Project60 / org.project60.sepapp

CiviCRM PaymentProcessor for CiviSEPA
4 stars 4 forks source link

Refactor deprecated CiviSEPA calls #31

Open jofranz opened 4 months ago

jofranz commented 4 months ago
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  Line   CRM/Core/Payment/SDD.php                                                                      
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  316    Call to deprecated method initialiseMandateData() of class CRM_Sepa_BAO_SEPACreditor:         
         this is not used by this extension, will be removed in CiviSEPA >= 1.6                        
  406    Call to deprecated method initialiseMandateData() of class CRM_Sepa_BAO_SEPACreditor:         
         this is not used by this extension, will be removed in CiviSEPA >= 1.6                        
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------