What are we developing?
We need a system that can fully automate a climb, making it 3 steps. This needs to potentially have a manual bypass, but it should be reliable.
There must be an enable and disable button as a confirmation, to prevent accidental deploys
There needs to be a deploy button, a climb button (after having lined up) and a lock button.
When deploying, the driver(s) should be able to line up the mechanism as necessary
Once the climb button is hit, there should be a quick and efficient climb with several failsafes. The lock button should prevent any user input until it is hit again (unlocked)
Clicking the climb button again should reverse the climb, clicking the deploy button should stash IF THE CLIMBER IS NOT UP (i.e if we are climbed, in the process of climbing or reversing a climb, the deploy button should lose all functionality
Steps for design:
Consider the steps involved in a manual climb. What does everything take, in what order.
What are the risks associated with this? What happens if a motor keeps spinning? What sensors can you put to disable this
Consider the command-based paradigm. How many commands do you need to make (Hint it shouldn't be more than 6)
Are there any built-in commands to help you?
Is there a way to store the "state" of a robot (hint, enumeration)
If a robowrangler is indicated, consider the relevant steps required for a robot to effectively be carried, The deploy step and climb step may need a 'wrangle' button as well.
What are we developing? We need a system that can fully automate a climb, making it 3 steps. This needs to potentially have a manual bypass, but it should be reliable.
Steps for design: