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CSS Modules #11

Closed thescientist13 closed 1 week ago

thescientist13 commented 6 months ago

Related Issue

Final part of #7, to compliment our usage of #38

Summary of Changes

  1. A very early and naive implementation of CSS Modules


  1. [x] prerender / static optimization support
  2. [x] support recursively walking script imports (e.g. header.js depends on navigation.js)
  3. [x] scope class names
  4. [x] extract import lines out of JavaScript, aka zero "runtime" (only at build time?)
  5. [x] hash based class names (only at build time?)
  6. [x] check production build integration
  7. [x] Test interop with native CSS Modules
  8. [x] Track upstream plugin / CLI support per #37
  9. [x] remove header demo code, rebase after #26
  10. [ ] Update and Storybook tech stack docs - will do as own PR

Questions / Discussions

Tracking this all here -

  1. [ ] refactor to avoid having to use intermediate output file (I think this is needed for prerendering because things run in a Worker Thread? 🤔 )
  2. [x] Should hashing / runtime removal only happen at build time, or also have it happen in dev too? (avoid extra work when not necessary, especially when using a dev server) - not much of a big deal, since we have to fetch the contents anyway, and this helps with naming collisions
  3. [ ] conform to icss specification (leverage postcss-modules package?)
  4. [ ] only useful for Light DOM use cases?
  5. [ ] should we shim / conform to Constructable Stylesheets API? This actually gets us the CSS rules 🤩 . Also see #13 Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 6 13 09 PM
  6. [ ] Any flexibility of the import usage API, e.g.
    // hardcoded import
    import styles from './something.module.css'
// vs
import myCss from './something.module.css'
1. [ ] Any flexibility in the usage of the import?
     // needs to reference the import name
     <h1 class="${styles.heading}">Welcome to Greenwood!</h1>

     // as opposed to
     const { heading } = styles;
     <h1 class="${heading}">Welcome to Greenwood!</h1>
  1. [x] Could use a better data structure for sheets, like a Map or Set?
netlify[bot] commented 6 months ago

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