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Documentation website for Greenwood
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feature/issue 23 Styleguide and Design System #36

Closed Auhseh closed 1 month ago

Auhseh commented 1 month ago

Related Issue

resolves #23

Summary of Changes

  1. Introduce Geist font family to project theme
  2. Add Storybook docs for Tech Stack, Documentation, and Styleguide

Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 6 08 21 PM Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 6 15 11 PM

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 45 08 PM Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 49 41 PM


  1. [x] Apply PR Feedback -
  2. [x] Need to pull in (or track unpatching it) - @thescientist13 - #37
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thescientist13 commented 1 month ago

Thanks @Auhseh for all this , looking good pretty good!

I just made some updates to get the colors and fonts showing in Storybook

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 45 08 PM Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 49 41 PM

Left some comments in-line for and this one: what is the _Gridwh.svg for?

(also, I renamed the assets to be consistent casing and using - for the space, just a bit easier to have all the files named the same way)

Auhseh commented 1 month ago

@Auhseh It would be good if we get as many of the images we think we'll need in now if we're planning on committing a bunch of them. I think at least for the header we would need

  • Discord
  • X / Twitter
  • "App Launcher" (or whatever we call the icon we show when the header navigation is in mobile view)

Added the other assets and also added a short ReadMe with a guide on how to use the assets in code.

Auhseh commented 1 month ago

Thanks @Auhseh for all this , looking good pretty good!

I just made some updates to get the colors and fonts showing in Storybook

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 45 08 PM Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 8 49 41 PM

Left some comments in-line for and this one: what is the _Gridwh.svg for?

(also, I renamed the assets to be consistent casing and using - for the space, just a bit easier to have all the files named the same way)

Thanks, it's the Grid background, Renamed it and added context in the ReadMe

Auhseh commented 1 month ago

I think everything's pretty much ready, last thing would be to adding Description icons in the "Why Greenwood" section, pending when we articulate the copy.

thescientist13 commented 1 month ago

Thanks, let me review.

Let's try and keep the filename consistent as I had updated them to be something like some-name.png on the last change. I will fix the new ones added but just so we can keep the convention the same for everyone contributing to the project. 👍

Renamed it and added context in the ReadMe

Thanks, but I'm going to remove / clean this up since I was just asking as part of this conversation here in GitHub, I don't want to start documenting every single asset, ideally when we start using them their purpose will be clear, or even better we can use a more descriptive name.

Same goes for color variables, let me just move any relevant info into the storybook instead and / or apply a name change.

I also deleted the Menu.svg since I don't think that actually needs to be an image, just some text and CSS should do fine for that, and I assumed it might be flexible as a general "badge" like component.

thescientist13 commented 1 month ago

Thanks, it's the Grid background, Renamed it and added context in the ReadMe

Ok, I was hoping maybe we could handle all those with CSS, but maybe we will need these as SVGs?