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filemanager [maybe]: mc #14

Closed m4u9 closed 1 year ago

m4u9 commented 1 year ago

Leaning to not have file manager at all however I suggest midnight commander aka "mc". It's really small and has a nice enough TUI and kinda fits into the greybeards mindest :P

sfalken commented 1 year ago

I mean, I have no objection to mc or some sort of file manager. I won't use it, but I have no objection to it being there.

m4u9 commented 1 year ago

honestly I only brought it up for the lols. I don't actually use it and i am perfectly happy with just having bash =]

mcepl commented 1 year ago

Actually, I use it quite seriously ... I have still never found anything more convenient for browsing through RPM files and for browsing on remote SSH/Samba/etc shares.

m4u9 commented 1 year ago

Actually, I use it quite seriously ... I have still never found anything more convenient for browsing through RPM files and for browsing on remote SSH/Samba/etc shares.

I did not know it could browse SSH remotes. This is really useful! I should give it some serious try. That said I have really nothing against adding it to the patterns. If none else creates the SR I will do so later.

m4u9 commented 1 year ago

@mcepl forgot to ask, is there a way to make it handle automounting usb drives etc? Or is this more a gvfs thing?

mcepl commented 1 year ago

@mcepl forgot to ask, is there a way to make it handle automounting usb drives etc? Or is this more a gvfs thing?

No, it is more automount/gvfs thing (the latter is a bit hard to set up without Gnome running, or could it be done?). I had this horrible ad hoc script:

set -eu

[ -d /run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:\/\/HMD_Global_Nokia_G10_PT99652AA11A1902644/ ] && exit 0

gio mount -li | grep mtp | awk -F= '{print $2}' | tr -s '\n' | sort -u \
    | xargs -I {} gio mount {}

# Apparently something needs to get settled down
sleep 5

But it never worked very reliably (see that sleep 5 … that’s just me waving my hands in despair), and it doesn’t work now at all (I have probably some packages missing). automount is probably The Way™.

Besides, I am old enough to remember 1990s where here in the Central/Eastern Europe absolutely everybody had some clone of Norton Commander as their main file manager (who knows what happened to Vsevolod V. Volkov? Or who remembers M602), so I don’t feel that much the need for “just plain command line” as many other Linux hackers have.

sfalken commented 1 year ago

At the moment, mc doesn't really "work" as a desktop application, as there is no "default terminal" set for xdg. We get an mc.desktop file, which plays nice with the desktop launcher, but because Terminal=True doesn't do anything, you get a failure to launch.

See for an example of the issue

mcepl commented 1 year ago

Well, I see that @sysrich packaged xdg-terminal-exec, which seems to be finally supported by gio (and closing the legendary bug).

So, could we get that package added to the Greybeard image with configuration pointing to foot, please?

(I am not sure why the package is just in devel:microos and not in Factory, because it is certainly SUSE-wide problem).

mcepl commented 1 year ago

Actually, let me add -1 to this ticket: not to xdg-terminal-exec that is IMHO necessary, but to mc. We really should not encourage people to actually use the host system for anything. Command line is good enough for the system administration they should do.

m4u9 commented 1 year ago

This was one of the reasons I was hesitant from the start. Your comment sort of reinforces my initial thoughts so let's close this