ProjectHentai / yaaredis

Redis client for Python asyncio (w/ redis server, cluster, and sentinel support)
MIT License
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port from redis-py 4.0 #7

Open synodriver opened 2 years ago

synodriver commented 2 years ago
import inspect

import redis
import yaaredis

def test_function():
    aredis = set(dir(yaaredis.Redis))
    red = set(dir(redis.Redis))

    # print(dir(aredis))
    # print('------')
    # print(dir(red))
    print("currently, yaaredis lack those methods")
    print(red - aredis)  # todo checkthis
    both = red & aredis

    print("\nbesides, those methods hava different signature, during this test, aredis's method can have more params")
    for func in both:
            redis_ins = inspect.signature(getattr(redis.Redis, func))
            aredis_ins = inspect.signature(getattr(yaaredis.Redis, func))

            for name, param in redis_ins.parameters.items():
                if name not in aredis_ins.parameters:
                    print(f"aredis.Redis.{func} not equal to redis-py, expect {redis_ins} got {aredis_ins}")

            # if str(redis_ins) != str(aredis_ins):
            #     print(f"{func} not equal,redis-py is{redis_ins} but aredis is {aredis_ins}")
        except TypeError:
            print(f"{func} is not callable, ignore")
        except ValueError:
            print(f"{func} is builtin, ignore")
    print('\ncheck response callbacks\n')
    # check response callbacks
    for cb, fn in redis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS.items():

        if cb not in yaaredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS:
            print(f'aredis lack callback for {cb} command, whose function name is {fn}')

                if fn.__code__.co_code != yaaredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS[cb].__code__.co_code:
                    print(f"aredis's callback {cb} is different from redis-py's, expect {fn}, got {yaaredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS[cb]}, copy that from redis-py should be ok", flush=True)
            except AttributeError:   # class type
                if fn != yaaredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS[cb]:
                    print(f"aredis's callback {cb} is different from redis-py's, expect {fn}, got {yaaredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS[cb]}, copy that from redis-py should be ok", flush=True)


using this test script to find out any difference

synodriver commented 2 years ago

nearly done