ProjectMOSAIC / mosaicCalc

Calculus in R
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integrateODE() not looking in correct environment on #8

Open dtkaplan opened 3 years ago

dtkaplan commented 3 years ago

This code, run in a learnr exercise on desktop, works fine. But on, it doesn't work. The problem on can be worked around by using <<- for the first few definitions. This suggests to me that integrateODE() isn't looking in the right environment when functions are defined outside the argument list. This might go as far back as D() or even makeFun().

f <- rfun( ~ x + y, seed=103)
dx_f <- D(f(x, y) ~ x)
dy_f <- D(f(x, y) ~ y)
soln1 <- integrateODE(dx ~ dx_f(x=x, y=y), 
                     dy ~ dy_f(x=x, y=y), 
                     x = 1, y = -3,
                     tdur = list(from=0, to=10, dt=0.1))
soln2 <- integrateODE(dx ~ -dx_f(x=x, y=y), 
                     dy ~ -dy_f(x=x, y=y), 
                     x = -2, y = 0.75,
                     tdur = list(from=0, to=10, dt=0.1))

contour_plot(f(x, y) ~ x + y, domain(x=c(-5, 5), y=c(-5, 5))) %>%
  gradient_plot(f(x, y) ~ x + y) %>%
  traj_plot(y(t) ~ x(t), soln1, color="blue") %>%
  traj_plot(y(t) ~ x(t), soln2, color="red")