ProjectPhysX / FluidX3D

The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.
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GPU does not have enough memory. How to change gpu memory to use? #46

Closed kayrailia closed 1 year ago

kayrailia commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, i'm i high school student and i want to improve myself in cfd. I recently saw FluidX3D and it looks really cool. But i get error when i compile it as WINDOWS_GRAPHICS, i get memory usage error. But i have no idea to how to change the memory that cfd uses. I'm really a beginner so please take it easy.

CFD Windows is just black. And the console is just gives that error;

Error: Device "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti" does not have enough memory. | | Allocating another 8680 MB would use a total of 11573 MB / 4095 MB. | | Press Enter to exit.

Changings I made to the src:

comment #define BENCHMARK uncomment #define WINDOWS_GRAPHICS

setup.cpp :
uncomment Boeing 757 setup

This is what my setup.cpp file looks like;

void main_setup() { // Boeing 757
    // ######################################################### define simulation box size, viscosity and volume force ############################################################################
    const uint L = 912u;
    const float Re = 100000.0f;
    const float u = 0.125f;
    LBM lbm(L, 2u*L, L/2u, units.nu_from_Re(Re, (float)L, u));
    // #############################################################################################################################################################################################
    const float size = 1.1f*(float)L;
    const float3 center = float3(, 32.0f+0.5f*size,;
    const float3x3 rotation = float3x3(float3(1, 0, 0), radians(75.0f));
    lbm.voxelize_stl(get_exe_path()+"../stl/757.stl", center, rotation, size); //
    const uint N=lbm.get_N(), Nx=lbm.get_Nx(), Ny=lbm.get_Ny(), Nz=lbm.get_Nz(); for(uint n=0u, x=0u, y=0u, z=0u; n<N; n++, lbm.coordinates(n, x, y, z)) {
        // ########################################################################### define geometry #############################################################################################
        if(lbm.flags[n]!=TYPE_S) lbm.u.y[n] = u;
        if(x==0u||x==Nx-1u||y==0u||y==Ny-1u||z==0u||z==Nz-1u) lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E; // all non periodic
    }   // #########################################################################################################################################################################################
    key_4 = true;
    Clock clock;;
    while(lbm.get_t()<100000u) {*(float)Nx, -0.4f*(float)Ny, 2.0f*(float)Nz), -33.0f, 42.0f, 68.0f);"export/t/");*(float)Nx, -0.35f*(float)Ny, -0.7f*(float)Nz), -35.0f, -35.0f, 100.0f);"export/b/");*(float)Nx, 0.51f*(float)Ny, 0.75f*(float)Nz), 90.0f, 28.0f, 80.0f);"export/f/");*(float)Nx, -0.15f*(float)Ny, 0.06f*(float)Nz), 0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f);"export/s/");;
    write_file(get_exe_path()+"time.txt", print_time(clock.stop()));;
ProjectPhysX commented 1 year ago

Hi @kayrailia, you need to reduce grid resolution then. In the main_setup() function, when the lbm object is created, the LBM lbm(resolution_x, resolution_y, resolution_z, kinematic_shear_ciscosity); constructor takes the resolution as input. In this case, resolution is set via the const uint L = 912u; parameter. Reduce that to maybe const uint L = 256u;.

Note that in this particular setup, you have to enable the #define SUBGRID extension or it will not run stable. Also note that by enabling #define FP16S, the memory footprint is almost halved, so you can set ~20% larger lateral grid resolution.

Have fun with the software!

kayrailia commented 1 year ago

That solved my problem! But now i have another problem. I know that it is really dumb question but since i don't exactly know cpp, i have to ask this.

I get these 2 errors at the same time even i have a C:/fx/stl/StarshipV1.stl file. (FluidX3D.exe is at C:\fx) [I tried with 4 diffrent stl files, 3 of them was the ones that you use in your videos and at setup.cpp]

Error: File "C:/fx/../stl/StarshipV1.stl" does not exist! Error: File "C:/fx/../stl/StarshipV1.stl" is corrupt or unsupported! Only binary .stl files are supported.

But the CFD Windows still opens and only thing i see is external volume i guess? (green rectangle) and some parameters like fps...

setup.cpp file;

void main_setup() { // Star Wars X-wing
    // ######################################################### define simulation box size, viscosity and volume force ############################################################################
    const uint L = 256u;
    const float Re = 100000.0f;
    const float u = 0.125f;
    LBM lbm(L, L*2u, L/2u, units.nu_from_Re(Re, (float)L, u));
    // #############################################################################################################################################################################################
    const float size = 1.0f*(float)L;
    const float3 center = float3(, 32.0f+0.5f*size,;
    const float3x3 rotation = float3x3(float3(0, 0, 1), radians(180.0f));
    voxelize_stl_hull(lbm, get_exe_path()+"../stl/StarshipV1.stl", center, rotation, size); //
    const uint N=lbm.get_N(), Nx=lbm.get_Nx(), Ny=lbm.get_Ny(), Nz=lbm.get_Nz(); for(uint n=0u, x=0u, y=0u, z=0u; n<N; n++, lbm.coordinates(n, x, y, z)) {
        // ########################################################################### define geometry #############################################################################################
        if(lbm.flags[n]!=TYPE_S) lbm.u.y[n] = u;
        if(x==0u||x==Nx-1u||y==0u||y==Ny-1u||z==0u||z==Nz-1u) lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E; // all non periodic
    }   // #########################################################################################################################################################################################
    key_4 = true;
    Clock clock;;
    while(lbm.get_t()<50000u) {*(float)Nx, -0.4f*(float)Ny, 2.0f*(float)Nz), -33.0f, 42.0f, 68.0f);"export/t/");*(float)Nx, -0.35f*(float)Ny, -0.7f*(float)Nz), -33.0f, -40.0f, 100.0f);"export/b/");*(float)Nx, 0.51f*(float)Ny, 0.75f*(float)Nz), 90.0f, 28.0f, 80.0f);"export/f/");*(float)Nx, -0.15f*(float)Ny, 0.06f*(float)Nz), 0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f);"export/s/");;
    write_file(get_exe_path()+"time.txt", print_time(clock.stop()));;
} /**/


#pragma once

//#define D2Q9 // choose D2Q9 velocity set for 2D; allocates 53 (FP32) or 35 (FP16) Bytes/node
//#define D3Q15 // choose D3Q15 velocity set for 3D; allocates 77 (FP32) or 47 (FP16) Bytes/node
#define D3Q19 // choose D3Q19 velocity set for 3D; allocates 93 (FP32) or 55 (FP16) Bytes/node; (default)
//#define D3Q27 // choose D3Q27 velocity set for 3D; allocates 125 (FP32) or 71 (FP16) Bytes/node

#define SRT // choose single-relaxation-time LBM collision operator; (default)
//#define TRT // choose two-relaxation-time LBM collision operator

#define FP16S // compress LBM DDFs to range-shifted IEEE-754 FP16; number conversion is done in hardware; all arithmetic is still done in FP32
//#define FP16C // compress LBM DDFs to more accurate custom FP16C format; number conversion is emulated in software; all arithmetic is still done in FP32

//#define BENCHMARK // disable all extensions and setups and run benchmark setup instead

//#define VOLUME_FORCE // enables global force per volume in one direction, specified in the LBM class constructor; the force can be changed on-the-fly between time steps at no performance cost
//#define FORCE_FIELD // enables computing the forces on solid boundaries with lbm.calculate_force_on_boundaries(); and enables setting the force for each lattice point independently (enable VOLUME_FORCE too); allocates an extra 12 Bytes/node
//#define MOVING_BOUNDARIES // enables moving solids: set solid nodes to TYPE_S and set their velocity u unequal to zero
#define EQUILIBRIUM_BOUNDARIES // enables fixing the velocity/density by marking nodes with TYPE_E; can be used for inflow/outflow; does not reflect shock waves
//#define SURFACE // enables free surface LBM: mark fluid nodes with TYPE_F; at initialization the TYPE_I interface and TYPE_G gas domains will automatically be completed; allocates an extra 12 Bytes/node
//#define TEMPERATURE // enables temperature extension; set fixed-temperature nodes with TYPE_T (similar to EQUILIBRIUM_BOUNDARIES); allocates an extra 32 (FP32) or 18 (FP16) Bytes/node
//#define SUBGRID // enables Smagorinsky-Lilly subgrid turbulence model to keep simulations with very large Reynolds number stable

#define WINDOWS_GRAPHICS // enable interactive graphics in Windows; start/pause the simulation by pressing P
//define CONSOLE_GRAPHICS // enable interactive graphics in the console; start/pause the simulation by pressing P
//#define GRAPHICS // run FluidX3D in the console, but still enable graphics functionality for writing rendered frames to the hard drive

#define GRAPHICS_FRAME_WIDTH 3840 // set frame width if only GRAPHICS is enabled
#define GRAPHICS_FRAME_HEIGHT 2160 // set frame height if only GRAPHICS is enabled
#define GRAPHICS_BACKGROUND_COLOR 0x000000 // set background color; black background (default) = 0x000000, white background = 0xFFFFFF
#define GRAPHICS_U_MAX 0.15f // maximum velocity for velocity coloring in units of LBM lattice speed of sound (c=1/sqrt(3)) (default: 0.15f)
#define GRAPHICS_Q_CRITERION 0.0001f // Q-criterion value for Q-criterion isosurface visualization (default: 0.0001f)
#define GRAPHICS_BOUNDARY_FORCE_SCALE 100.0f // scaling factor for visualization of forces on solid boundaries if VOLUME_FORCE is enabled and lbm.calculate_force_on_boundaries(); is called (default: 100.0f)
#define GRAPHICS_STREAMLINE_SPARSE 4 // set how many streamlines there are every x lattice points
#define GRAPHICS_STREAMLINE_LENGTH 128 // set maximum length of streamlines

// #############################################################################################################

#define TYPE_S 0b00000001 // (stationary or moving) solid boundary
#define TYPE_E 0b00000010 // equilibrium boundary (inflow/outflow)
#define TYPE_T 0b00000100 // temperature boundary
#define TYPE_F 0b00001000 // fluid
#define TYPE_I 0b00010000 // interface
#define TYPE_G 0b00100000 // gas
#define TYPE_X 0b01000000 // reserved type X
#define TYPE_Y 0b10000000 // reserved type Y

#if defined(FP16S) || defined(FP16C)
#define fpxx ushort
#else // FP32
#define fpxx float
#endif // FP32
#define SUBGRID
#undef SURFACE

#endif // BENCHMARK

#ifdef SURFACE // (rho, u) need to be updated exactly every LBM step
#define UPDATE_FIELDS // update (rho, u, T) in every LBM step
#endif // SURFACE


#define GRAPHICS
#define GRAPHICS
ProjectPhysX commented 1 year ago

The STL file containing the model geometry is not included in the repository, and is missing here. Download the file and place it in the newly created folder stl/tarshipV1.stl.

kayrailia commented 1 year ago

Thanks, but as i said, i already have the stl file downloaded and in the /stl/ folder. Results are same.

This is what does it looks like; image


ProjectPhysX commented 1 year ago

The stl folder has to be in the FluidX3D folder, next to the src folder!