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Guidance on how to cite Pythia #306

Closed clyne closed 1 year ago

clyne commented 1 year ago

We need to figure out how we want folks to cite Project Pythia and provide guidance on this to the community. One possibility is to simply cite the main landing page for everything. A bibtex entry might look like:

@misc{project_pythia, author = "{Project Pythia contributors}", title = "Project Pythia", year = "2021", url = "", note = "[Online; accessed 18-January-2023]" }

with the "note" updated with the date of access. This is basically what wikipedia does.

ThomasMGeo commented 1 year ago

A Zenodo DOI/ citation.cff would also be great!

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

Related: citation of Foundations book

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

We need to address this (including the citation of individual cookbooks) prior to our summer 2023 hackathon.

r-ford commented 1 year ago

Related issue on cookbook-gallery repo:

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

We decided to use Zenodo to mint DOIs for Foundation releases and use those DOIs as the citation format. So this is waiting on

Once the DOI is in place, we will need to update the text in Foundations to make it obvious how to cite.

jukent commented 1 year ago

DOI citation PR for foundations: -- we should agree on a consistent format across our resources.

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

At today's IWG meeting we briefly discussed the question of "how to cite Pythia as a project" rather than citing individual works. Citation methods for Foundations and individual Cookbooks have been taken care of, but there is still scope for providing a "go-to" citation for the project as a whole.

We landed on the idea of putting the text of our NSF proposals into citable archives (Figshare? Zenodo?) with author attribution.

Once that is done and DOIs are generated, then we just need to add some guidance on our main project web page.

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

The text of the new NSF GEO OSE proposal is now here:

jukent commented 1 year ago

Great so now the remaining task is to point to this in a "how to cite" page on the main portal, and then on each subpage (say foundations or a cookbook) that has a "how-to-cite" page with information on citing that specific piece, we add a paragraph on how to cite the entire project. I'm understanding that correctly?

brian-rose commented 1 year ago

I think including that info in every cookbook may be overkill. A prominent "how to cite" instruction on the main project home page should be enough, especially since there's a prominent link back to the project home page at the top of every cookbook nav bar already.