Open Undercova opened 10 years ago
in total there are 1300 combat commands in the combat_data.iff
these ones are most likely the NPC ones as you can see some of them are related to special NPCs or a heroic instance like EK or IG
attacks = Vector() attacks.add('forceThrow') attacks.add('axkva_drain') attacks.add('......') mobileTemplate.setDefaultAttack('saberHit') mobileTemplate.setAttacks(attacks)
this is how it would look like remember that some NPCs even use the normal player attacks like lightning or so
Creatues also used the BM commands as well.
Beast Master:
bm_bite_1 bm_bite_2 bm_bite_3 bm_bite_4 bm_bite_5 bm_bolster_armor_1 bm_bolster_armor_2 bm_bolster_armor_3 bm_bolster_armor_4 bm_bolster_armor_5 bm_charge_1 bm_charge_2 bm_charge_3 bm_charge_4 bm_charge_5 bm_claw_1 bm_claw_2 bm_claw_3 bm_claw_4 bm_claw_5 bm_damage_disease_1 bm_damage_disease_2 bm_damage_disease_3 bm_damage_disease_4 bm_damage_disease_5 bm_damage_poison_1 bm_damage_poison_2 bm_damage_poison_3 bm_damage_poison_4 bm_damage_poison_5 bm_dampen_pain_1 bm_dampen_pain_2 bm_dampen_pain_3 bm_dampen_pain_4 bm_dampen_pain_5 bm_dancing_cat bm_dancing_pet_entertainer bm_defensive_1 bm_defensive_2 bm_defensive_3 bm_defensive_4 bm_defensive_5 bm_deflective_hide bm_enfeeble_1 bm_enfeeble_2 bm_enfeeble_3 bm_enfeeble_4 bm_enfeeble_5 bm_enrage bm_flank_1 bm_flank_2 bm_flank_3 bm_frenzy bm_hamstring_1 bm_hamstring_2 bm_hamstring_3 bm_hamstring_4 bm_hamstring_5 bm_helper_monkey_domestic bm_helper_monkey_engineering bm_helper_monkey_jedi bm_helper_monkey_munitions bm_helper_monkey_shipwright bm_helper_monkey_structure bm_kick_1 bm_kick_2 bm_kick_3 bm_kick_4 bm_kick_5 bm_mend_pet_1 bm_mend_pet_2 bm_mend_pet_3 bm_paralytic_poison bm_pig_forage bm_preperation bm_provoke_1 bm_provoke_2 bm_provoke_3 bm_provoke_4 bm_provoke_5 bm_puncture_1 bm_puncture_2 bm_puncture_3 bm_revive_pet_1 bm_revive_pet_2 bm_shaken_1 bm_shaken_2 bm_shaken_3 bm_shield_master bm_siphon_1 bm_siphon_2 bm_siphon_3 bm_siphon_master bm_slash_1 bm_slash_2 bm_slash_3 bm_slash_4 bm_slash_5 bm_soothing_comfort_1 bm_spit_1 bm_spit_2 bm_spit_3 bm_spit_4 bm_spit_5 bm_stomp_1 bm_stomp_2 bm_stomp_3 bm_stomp_4 bm_stomp_5 bm_survey_bonus bm_trample bm_wing_buffet_1 bm_wing_buffet_2 bm_wing_buffet_3 bm_wing_buffet_4 bm_wing_buffet_5
This feature already exists, it's just that none of the scripters have been setting them in the mobile scripts. I'll remove the Feature label and replace it with a Research one.
i did add the bm attacks to the creatures about 2 months ago. after i commited, EVERY developer told me, that the only attacks should be used for creatures are creatureFireAttack creatureMeleeAttack creaturePoisonAttack creatureRangedAttack creatureSnareAttack
and rangedshot/rangedshotrifle for shooting npcs
Your pets would learn the bm attacks from creatures using them. I am pretty sure the bm attacks need to be there
On Jul 9, 2014, at 9:35 AM, tacef wrote:
i did add the bm attacks to the creatures about 2 months ago. after i commited, EVERY developer told me, that the only attacks should be used for creatures are creatureFireAttack creatureMeleeAttack creaturePoisonAttack creatureRangedAttack creatureSnareAttack
and rangedshot/rangedshotrifle for shooting npcs
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Thats what i was thinking as well when i added them. But all devs said, only creature attacks
Same as what @zingzing175 said.
im about to put them all into the creatures at least something i have to do next few hours/days :)
as setDefaultAttack they use the creatureMeleeAttack for example. additional attacks are the bm_XXX_X ones
I am thinking that creaturePoisonAttack, etc were probably depreciated from the game when BM was put in.
Probably not default attacks but most likely the specials
I'm working on something that will enable you to use ai from scripts. But you must understand that i'm NOT OVERWRITING the current AI (you get to keep it as well) and I'm not trying to impose a view here. I'm making something that will speed things up a lot. With very little rewiring inside the current AI code you will have fully customizable AI for every template and that can default to classes ( like default ranged AI for all ranged that have no specific behavior ... ) and default to default attack in the end. This has the potential to be very powerful and fast to implement. Because you can test it in game, make the script kill a npc change the script and kill another while the server is running without restarting , until you get the behavior you want. It's a take it or leave it thing, I'm not imposing anything, I realy don't care about the direction you take - in a few days I'll probably forget about ProjectSWG to come back after a few months. I try not to get attached , I have other things to do.
post a pull request with stuff like that and we can test it :)
acid_aspect april_fools_boss_emote axkva_contagion axkva_contagion_bomb axkva_crystalize axkva_dictate axkva_drain axkva_force_storm axkva_force_whirl axkva_warden_flame axkva_whirl_blast caretaker_blast caretaker_drain caretaker_shield caretaker_shield_reflect caretaker_vapors closed_fist_burn closed_fist_burn_damage closed_fist_cleave closed_fist_toss closed_fist_toss_old creatureFireAttack creatureMeleeAttack creaturePoisonAttack creatureRangedAttack creatureSnareAttack ct_guard_buff cyborgCriticalSnipe cyborgKickDown cyborgLightning cyborgRevive cyborgSureShot death_troopers_afflicted_konk death_troopers_afflicted_splat death_troopers_afflicted_toss death_troopers_death_wing_afflict devastating_strike executioner_swipe fireAcidBeam fireAcidBeamAvatar fireAcidBeamHeavy fireAcidRifle fireCr1BlastCannon fireCrusaderHeavyRifle fireElitePistolLauncher fireFlameThrowerLight fireHeavyShotgun fireHeavyWeapon fireIceGun fireLavaCannon fireLavaCannonGeneric fireLightningBeam fireParticleBeam firePistolLauncher firePistolLauncherGeneric firePistolLauncherMedium firePistolLauncherTargeting firePlasmaFlameThrower firePulseCannon firePvpHeavy fireRepublicFlameThrower fireRepublicFlameThrowerGeneric fireRocketLauncher fireRocketLauncherGeneric fireStunCannon fireVoidRocketLauncher forceThrow grenadier_acid grenadier_cold grenadier_heat grenadier_kinetic grenadier_throw_random hoth_ai_speeder_shoot hoth_atat_mine hoth_atat_shoot hoth_atat_vehicle_shoot hoth_commando_rocket hoth_sapper_detonate hoth_sapper_place hoth_scout_cannon hoth_scout_ear_gun hoth_scout_ear_gun_switch hoth_scout_rocket hoth_scout_rocket_switch hoth_scout_shield hoth_speeder_bolt hoth_speeder_down hoth_speeder_land hoth_speeder_shoot hoth_speeder_takeoff hoth_speeder_up ig88_bomb_explode ig88_droideka_electrify ig88_droideka_shield ig88_flame_thrower ig88_flame_thrower_vertical ig88_grenade ig88_rocket_launch ig88_rocket_launcher ig88_shield ig88_shockwave ito_nerve_gas kav_tusken_killer kenkirk_droid_blast kimaru_flame_patch kimaru_generate_storm kimaru_storm_pulse king_head_crack king_rend king_sandstorm krix_burn krix_focus krix_megaburn krix_megapatch kun_chaos_discord kun_chaos_set kun_eight_sacrifice kun_five_sacrifice kun_four_sacrifice kun_one_sacrifice kun_open_coil kun_order_discipline kun_order_set kun_seven_sacrifice kun_six_sacrifice kun_sword_break kun_sword_cleave kun_sword_defensive kun_sword_multi kun_three_sacrifice kun_two_sacrifice kun_veng_slam kun_veng_wave kun_word_coil kun_word_flurry kun_word_shaken kun_wrath_acid kun_wrath_cold kun_wrath_electrical kun_wrath_heat kun_wrath_ward lasher_increase_pain lasher_strike lelli_ambush lelli_bleed lelli_chain_cleave lelli_mine macy_ywing_bomb meleeHit minder_luresh_drain nandina_fester nandina_heal open_cultist_drain proc_tow_proc_a_1 proc_tow_proc_a_2 proc_tow_proc_a_3 proc_tow_proc_b_1 proc_tow_proc_b_2 proc_tow_proc_b_3 proc_tow_proc_b_4 proc_tow_proc_b_5 proc_tow_proc_b_6 proc_tow_proc_b_7 proc_tow_proc_bracelet_combo proc_tow_proc_bracelet_melee proc_tow_proc_bracelet_range proc_tow_proc_coyn rangedShot rangedShotlightRifle rangedShotpistol rangedShotrifle saberHit server_droid_battery_dump_1 server_droid_battery_dump_2 server_droid_battery_dump_3 server_droid_electrical_shock_1 server_droid_electrical_shock_2 server_droid_electrical_shock_3 server_droid_flame_jet_1 server_droid_flame_jet_2 server_droid_flame_jet_3 server_droid_regenerative_plating_1 server_droid_regenerative_plating_2 server_droid_regenerative_plating_3 server_droid_torturous_needle_1 server_droid_torturous_needle_2 server_droid_torturous_needle_3 stormLordSpecial subduer_decrease_damage subduer_strike suin_aspect suin_healing_debuff suin_rampage throwDetPack throwFan throwGrenade throwGrenadeBug throwGrenadeCryoban throwGrenadeFragmentation throwGrenadeGlop throwGrenadeImperialDetonator throwGrenadeProton throwGrenadeThermalDetonator tomb_guard_cleave tomb_guard_toss tomb_guard_toss_old turretShot vader_force_choke vicious_swing wampa_boss_ice_throw wampa_boss_ice_throw_prep wampa_boss_tauntaun_throw wampa_boss_tauntaun_throw_prep wod_agony wod_ambush wod_avoid_damage wod_bleed wod_chain_cleave wod_cripple wod_force_drain wod_force_run wod_poison_dart wod_poison_shock wod_rancor_boss_mutation wod_spider_queen_spawn wod_stun wod_summon_dead wod_undead_spawn