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Use new GSV API in core Sidewalk? #2891

Open jonfroehlich opened 2 years ago

jonfroehlich commented 2 years ago

Label Gallery uses the newer GSV API that has nicer UI controls, imo, for navigation: image

Core Sidewalk, however, still uses the old GSV API, which has those solid white arrows for navigation: image

@misaugstad and I discussed this in our 1:1 and he remembered previously exploring the newer GSV API but can't remember why it was not integrated into core.

misaugstad commented 2 years ago

I remember now :) The issue is that the newer interface allows you to move really long distances in GSV instead of just to the adjacent image. And there doesn't seem to be an option to limit the distance that users can move. So we decided that the downside that users could skip too much of a street wasn't worth the more smooth interface.

jonfroehlich commented 2 years ago

Couldn't we artificially limit this as just taking a "step" in the next direction if the initial "step" looks too long?

misaugstad commented 2 years ago

I don't think that we have the ability to intercept the pano change before GSV does it. I think that the best we could do is let the pano load that they tried to go to, and then load a new panorama that is actually only one step forward.

jonfroehlich commented 2 years ago

Alternative idea: maybe we could also pop up a notification if they take too long of a step?

jonfroehlich commented 2 years ago

I'd like to consider this in the future as I do think the new GSV controls are much more intuitive to use.