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Google Collab Notebook ADA Transition Plan / Auto-generating ADA Reports #3231

Open jonfroehlich opened 1 year ago

jonfroehlich commented 1 year ago

Chu has done such amazing analyses of the Oradell data. A few weeks ago, I had the idea that perhaps we could make a Google Collab version (linked from the main Project Sidewalk navbar) that would point to a "live analytics report" for each city--based on Chu's work.

Then today, we had that phone call with a city, and it was clear that: (1) they lacked GIS expertise (at least those who joined today); (2) they lacked knowledge of ADA transition planning. In fact, this gap, I think, is quite common.

So, it would be really interesting and cool, perhaps, to think about whether we could create a "report generator" tool for cities to help aid their own creation of ADA transition plans (and, of course, our quantitative data would be but one part of this).

We could potentially even consider a ASSETS poster paper: "Generating Initial ADA Transition Reports from Crowdsourced Data"

jonfroehlich commented 3 months ago

This came up again with my 1:1 with @yeisenberg again today. He's really interested in thinking about using Project Sidewalk data to auto-generate an initial ADA transition report.

yeisenberg commented 3 months ago

Through several conversations with city folks, i think the ability to generate reports is huge and something that would increase the uptake/adoption of PS data. This could be quite simple but it helps them consume it easier. Thinking of things like the awesome maps chu made for Oradell and the different tables and graphs that came from that, which help tell the story. It could also have the stats of users and accuracy. I think right now these are things we pull together for powerpoints and such, but for cities to runt his on their own, having some tools to output this for them would go a long way as the contacts we have with cities often have to take the information and present it to other people, so how can we help make that easier for them, so they feel confident when considering taking on this project that in the end they will have a report that they can present to their deparment and City manager, city council etc.