ProjectSkyfire / SkyFire.406a

SkyFireEMU is a full featured F/OSS World of Warcraft: Cataclysm emulator written in C++. || Compatible with World of Warcraft client 4.0.6a (Build:13623) || Public DB is located on forum
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Spell Running wild #854

Closed kem008 closed 11 years ago

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Hello guys when I want to cast this spell I got a big bug I can see the ghost form when I am dead with a night elf. WoWScrnShot_031013_145718

ImageDev commented 11 years ago

we know about this spell being broken check forums.

Loukie commented 11 years ago

have a look at this maybe it will help roifok/TrinityCore@de84510 and roifok/TrinityCore@196b9b5 maybe this can help steer some one in the right direction?

i am not sure if this is the old hack but it works i have tested it.

Bootz commented 11 years ago

Fixed in commit 3c292e7aab6e2f48a7f81b4bd7dd8c7358bc7c22

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Sry guys but something is wrong again with the runing wild :(

Dmp file

Bootz commented 11 years ago

ive tested this about everywhere no crash what so ever, one thing i did see wrong was upon log out under running wild, when you log back in your in human form. that's just a simple debuff to fix visual. but it works from human form and worgen form.

WoWScrnShot_031313_104256 WoWScrnShot_031313_104302 WoWScrnShot_031313_104307 WoWScrnShot_031313_104310 WoWScrnShot_031313_104315 WoWScrnShot_031313_103733 WoWScrnShot_031313_103817 WoWScrnShot_031313_104040 WoWScrnShot_031313_104130

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Okay but my worldserver crashed I will check it again.

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I got it again I compiled the core with microsoft visual studio 2011 is it good?

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Your core revision is different from my core revision why?

kem008 commented 11 years ago

SkyFireEMU rev. 2013-03-13 12:27:19 +0100 (bb7d0492ac8a) (Win32, Debug)

Bootz commented 11 years ago

i run tests under release not deb. plus my build is from my own private repo outside of github. so build revisions will differ. my repo is set as a sub-module to our main, so commits are the same. just stored in differ location for my own private branch work. ;) ... it is not part of the issue.

make sure yer using the right spell... there's one for lvl 20 and then 40+ it is level dependent. tested every alliance race no crash. WoWScrnShot_031313_130001 Spell: two forms WoWScrnShot_031313_130513 WoWScrnShot_031313_130515 WoWScrnShot_031313_130516 WoWScrnShot_031313_130528 Spell: running wild casts two forms then spell WoWScrnShot_031313_130545 WoWScrnShot_031313_130546 WoWScrnShot_031313_130549 Spell running wild then exits with player in worgen form WoWScrnShot_031313_130604

secondary hunter test ignore these imgs WoWScrnShot_031313_130059 ... these should be given BEFORE a pet bar ever should appear on players screen (pet is guardian lvl1-12) this spell should be given during taming quest. WoWScrnShot_031313_130230

Gilneas test ignore this as well... this is phased with quests to make sure player doesnt skip sections... gates are to be closed until your send to next area. NOTE: on last area quest, should change map phase to open this gate (each section has one just like this) WoWScrnShot_031313_125606

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I dont know what is wrong on my core but I have added everything I am using windows 7 enterprise 64 bit

and I debugged it with microsoft visual studio 2011

Loukie commented 11 years ago

mine is working 100% no crash and i was all over the map and i dnt use mounts just running wild ;) i build my core with visual studio 2010.

Loukie commented 11 years ago

spell id to use for running wild is 87840

Bootz commented 11 years ago

after 40 that is correct one, the 87840 being the minor for lvl 20-40. i haven't tested...

Loukie commented 11 years ago

o shoot my bad that was a tipo from me it is 87840

Bootz commented 11 years ago

yeah i gm taught 94098 cuz i was lvl 85 testing the other now...

Loukie commented 11 years ago

o well i was using 87840 on my lvl 85 char no crash hehe ok so now i unlearn that one and learn 94098 for tjis char to test if i will get crash will get back to you.

Loukie commented 11 years ago

is there any differences in the two spells except for that it is for different lvl chars?

Bootz commented 11 years ago

update WoWScrnShot_031313_191326 WoWScrnShot_031313_191405 WoWScrnShot_031313_191409 WoWScrnShot_031313_191410 WoWScrnShot_031313_191412 WoWScrnShot_031313_191414 WoWScrnShot_031313_191420 WoWScrnShot_031313_191425 WoWScrnShot_031313_191426 WoWScrnShot_031313_191427 WoWScrnShot_031313_191429 WoWScrnShot_031313_191429 WoWScrnShot_031313_191501 WoWScrnShot_031313_191542 WoWScrnShot_031313_191543 WoWScrnShot_031313_191549 WoWScrnShot_031313_191550 WoWScrnShot_031313_191551 WoWScrnShot_031313_191552 WoWScrnShot_031313_191553 WoWScrnShot_031313_191554 WoWScrnShot_031313_191600 WoWScrnShot_031313_191603 WoWScrnShot_031313_191604 WoWScrnShot_031313_191605 WoWScrnShot_031313_191607 WoWScrnShot_031313_191609

both spells work on all characters in everywhere Ive tested this concludes any further testing... spell two forms works (including while walking) spell running wild works (dismounts as supposed to, logging issue - visual needs looked into)

Loukie commented 11 years ago

cant see anyone having problems i am the first one to apply the running wild patch to my core and not once i had a world server crash

thx @Bootz for testing

Bootz commented 11 years ago

it was a good find, and patch by the author, a much better rendition then last posted to teh spells thread, on forums.

Bootz commented 11 years ago

why did this get reopened :s its a fixed spell lol... derpity

Walkum commented 11 years ago

move the scroll down or top very fast

congratulations! you make a movie with images, you are a champion.


Bootz commented 11 years ago


kem008 commented 11 years ago


Tellme whats this problem? when I used runningwild my worlderserver.exe got this problem ?

Loukie commented 11 years ago

Download dnt add any custom scripts just compile with 2010 maybe this will help

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I cant compile with 2010 because I got problem when I am using the cmake gui :(

Loukie commented 11 years ago

if it still crash after tis weel i dnt now maybe something in your db then fk i dnt know lol

Loukie commented 11 years ago

then uninstall cmake download new one and try again

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I think the db has soem problem something is missing from my db? I have installed the cmake agian today and installed the 2010 c++ doenst work and and I reinstalled my 2012 for test it again I tested with win32 and with win64 doesnt work :=(

Loukie commented 11 years ago

keep settings default after install

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I know

Loukie commented 11 years ago

try get the full package Visual studio 2010 and try again

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Sorry I need a key for start the visual studio 2010

Loukie commented 11 years ago

if all els fail it must me db relaited or db files in core folder not sure

kem008 commented 11 years ago

somebody can upload his debugged skyfire? for test? or idk

SkyFire commented 11 years ago

No links to compiled bins aloud here or in the forum! Compile it yourself. Not our fault your tools don't work.

kem008 commented 11 years ago

Something is not working but I dont know what? :(

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I think something wrong with my config or with my database ? :(

kem008 commented 11 years ago

I found the problem something is problem with my debugging but I dont know what?

kem008 commented 11 years ago

If somebody give me a registration key for the 2010 microsoft visual studio I can compile the skyfire core for working version for me :D

ImageDev commented 11 years ago

MSVS doesn't need a key for a registered copy... Atleast not though MSDN PLUS.... Let's not share prepriorty keys over the tracker Not good practices :)

kem008 commented 11 years ago

but the express need Because the skyfire wiki said we can use 2010 but need something to configure but I dont know what because the skyfire wiki is not working :(