ProjectSkyfire / SkyFire.406a

SkyFireEMU is a full featured F/OSS World of Warcraft: Cataclysm emulator written in C++. || Compatible with World of Warcraft client 4.0.6a (Build:13623) || Public DB is located on forum
GNU General Public License v3.0
343 stars 218 forks source link

Support Archeology #858

Closed Retriman closed 11 years ago

Retriman commented 11 years ago

Archeology is not implemented in the core, I wonder if some people are interested in starting to develop.

I've seen some progress in this repo like this

It would be nice to form a branch and begin to develop =)

Loukie commented 11 years ago

Here is what they have done so far Darkcore@9e26887946d1f8d574b53683495b7de05cd1e7b0

Bootz commented 11 years ago

thats a 404 :sa:

SkyFire commented 11 years ago


Bootz commented 11 years ago

lost page... empty... errorpage

Loukie commented 11 years ago


ImageDev commented 11 years ago

Basic dbc enums& structs, but nothing set...

Retriman commented 11 years ago

Ok Darkcore dbc base enums finding this saves me some work.

Advance Part 1:

It would be good to work together on this :)

ImageDev commented 11 years ago

I'm game, but stuck building with my droid atm, can't seem to find a client slim nuff to fit within my phones storage space limitations, Though guess if need be can RDC to lappy once its up and going 1343456545884s

Bootz commented 11 years ago

Imma assign this to AtlerEgo, from the way i understand it he has been doing alot of digging/datamining for this maybe he'll flick that troll doll off the end of his pencil eraser and jot down something we all can use, or be able to turn into working codez :package: ATM I'm busy closing up alot of our loose ends, in prep for MoP transitioning, its passed my due time to switch development focus to next patchsets up from 406a/Cataclysm ...

IntelFreak commented 11 years ago

@Retriman that's Sovaks work.

Retriman commented 11 years ago

@IntelFrek read the topics its remerge from fixes all contributors.

SkyFire commented 11 years ago

This is a bug tracker not a suggestion forum. If you wish to offer a suggestion you can do 1 of 2 different things.

  1. Make an account in the forum under the appropriate section then post your suggestion.
  2. Make a fork and modify the code to your liking and then make a pull request to share with the rest of the community.
