ProjectTorreyPines / IMASdd.jl

Basic data dictionary functionalities of IMAS.jl
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Create internal links within dd when grid_ggd[:].path is provided #20

Open anchal-physics opened 3 months ago

anchal-physics commented 3 months ago

IMAS data model schema has property path in grid_ggd IDS which is a path to another IDS grid_ggd to refer to an existing definition of grid_ggd. For example, radiation.grid_ggd[1].path can refer to edge_profiles.grid_ggd[1] by having value IDS::edge_profiles/grid_ggd(1). This is described in the webpage for OMAS data schema for all different grid_ggd.

This is an important feature for this data model to save space and reduce redundancy. While end users can write their own parser for grid_ggd.path and link to th relevant grid_ggd, it would be a really cool enhacement if IMASDD implements this link internally such that when dd.radiation.grid_ggd[1] is called, it points to dd.edge_profiles.grid_ggd[1] automatically. I envision a check in the constructor call of grid_ggd functions where if path is provided, it creates this link. And an explicit function too, so that one can add the path after creation of IDS object and get this link working.

I don't know though how this will be implemented or if it is even possible in a meaningful way without slowing down IDS access too much since all children grid_ggd are actually separate data types based on parent IDS.

TimSlendebroek commented 3 months ago

This sounds very similar to the expressions feature that we have for this in another repository, @orso82 do you think this could be added to IMASDD?

orso82 commented 3 months ago

Yes, that can be done in a similar way that we handle expressions.

@anchal-physics can you confirm that the IDS::edge_profiles/grid_ggd(1) syntax is something specific to how the GGD specification is implemented in IMAS. I have not seen such referencing anywhere else...

anchal-physics commented 3 months ago

I've read it on the OMAS schema page.

Path of the grid, including the IDS name, in case of implicit reference to a grid_ggd node described in another IDS. To be filled only if the grid is not described explicitly in this grid_ggd structure. Example syntax: IDS::wall/0/description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd, means that the grid is located in the wall IDS, occurrence 0, with relative path description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd, using Fortran index convention (here : first index of the array)

Maybe this is Fortran syntax. I'm unaware of official IMAS data schema documentation. I'll search for it.

orso82 commented 3 months ago

IMAS has actually done a good job at updating their documentation. Take a look here (unfortunately you still need an ITER account to see it)

anchal-physics commented 3 months ago

From the official html documentation of IMAS, all I can find about grid_ggd[:].path is the following:

Path of the grid, including the IDS name, in case of implicit reference to a grid_ggd node described in another IDS. To be filled only if the grid is not described explicitly in this grid_ggd structure. Example syntax: IDS::wall/0/description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd, means that the grid is located in the wall IDS, occurrence 0, with relative path description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd, using Fortran index convention (here : first index of the array) {dynamic}

But I was able to find the PR where this feature was introduced. In particular, the file provides complete syntax for idspath. The webpage documentation is slightly outdated as it does not show the utilities documentation for some reason. Following description should follow grid_ggd(:)/path:

Path of the grid, including the IDS name, in case of implicit reference to a grid_ggd node described in another IDS. To be filled only if the grid is not described explicitly in this grid_ggd structure. Example syntax: 'wall:0/description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd', means that the grid is located in the wall IDS, occurrence 0, with ids path 'description_ggd(1)/grid_ggd'. See the link below for more details about IDS paths

The link is to file. In this syntax, note that there is no IDS present and occurrence is shown differently.

I'll paraphrase the new syntax here:




If I want to refer to grid_ggd of edge_profiles to store radiation information. Then at dd.radiation.grid_ggd[1].path, I will store the value: edge_profiles/grid_ggd(1).

Note: As far as I understand, since a particular grid_ggd instance out of the array of grid_ggd has this path field (dd.radiation.grid_ggd[1].path in above example), it must be referring to a particular index of grid_ggd in the path as well otherwise it won't really make sense. The example in documentation however misses this detail.

I hope this was helpful. If this feature comes up soon, it will be helpful in synthetic bolometer that I am developing.

orso82 commented 2 months ago

How about something like this in IMASDD.jl ?

all__grid_ggd = Union{IMASDD.edge_profiles__grid_ggd, ...}

function Base.getproperty(@nospecialize(ids::all__grid_ggd), field::Symbol)
    if _getproperty(ids, :path)..
        return _getproperty(getfield(top_dd(ids),getproperty(ids, :path)), field)
        return _getproperty(ids, field)