ProjectZulu / MOSI

More On Screen Info (MOSI) is a the Minecraft Mod containing the Armor and Buff bar mods
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Any attempt to move the BuffBar Grouping does not work. #7

Closed Razorskills closed 10 years ago

Razorskills commented 10 years ago

I have messed with all of the numbers in the config file and cannot get the grouping to move. I want to get the bar to look good in the bottom left if the screen.

What could I change the numbers to to achieve this? And any switching of the numbers does not seem to move it up or down at all. This is the only thing that is making me hesitant before using full time.

Crudedragos commented 10 years ago

Changing "Display X Offeset" or "Display Y Offeset" doesn't change anything for you? What version (of BuffBar and MC) are you using?

i.e. mod_BuffBarMod.cfg should be of the form:

# Configuration file

# buff bar controls

"buff bar controls" {
    I:"Analog Max Duration Length"=60
    I:"Display Font Color"=1030655
    I:"Display Type"=0
    I:"Display X Offeset"=10
    I:"Display Y Offeset"=-28
    I:"Display YOffSet in Creative"=13
Razorskills commented 10 years ago

Sorry about that, I should have checked for an update.

It works now and I have set my setting to:

"buff bar controls" { I:"Analog Max Duration Length"=60 I:"Display Font Color"=1030655 I:"Display Type"=0 I:"Display X Offeset"=-120 I:"Display Y Offeset"=39 I:"Display YOffSet in Creative"=13 }

This works okay for both these situations right now: you can see in these 2 pictures:

Now the only problem is that when it is full screen, it is not all the way to the left. But if it is a small screen, you cannot see the buff's since the screen does not go out that far. Also if there is way too many buff's which is not practical or normal to have. It looks dumb. It would be a simple fix I think if the buff's could add on going from right to left. Maybe a simple config fix could do that? Then it would fill up the space you have then if you need more space you can maximize the window.

I also think it might be even more nice if it could be set to always place the first buff in the bottom left of the screen that is viewable. and as it resizes it would move. Maybe not idea to code, I think the adding buff's from right to left is the easiest fix for this.

Could you add an option to do that? or maybe there already is and I have over looked it.

Crudedragos commented 10 years ago

It can only be centered at the moment.

Justifying left or right are good features that will be done.

I don't understand this though:

I also think it might be even more nice if it could be set to always place the first buff in the bottom left of the screen that is viewable. and as it resizes it would move.

Do you just mean left to right adding? Or sorting left/right by duration remaining?

Razorskills commented 10 years ago

I mean that when you adjust your screen size, if you set the icons to be able to be seen when minecraft is at default launching size, then maximize it, it is no longer at the edge of the screen. And if you set it to be at the edge of the maximized screen, then when you minimize, you cannot see the first icons.

If you have a look at the 2 pictures I have above, you can see what I mean.

Easiest and best fix for that would be to be able to set the first icon right next to the items bar. then add away from it.

(I am trying to set this up in a modpack that my friend can download and not have to tweak settings to make it to our liking lol. Thats why im nit picking on the location of the bar and want it to work with all screen ratios. My screen is 1680x1050 and my friend has a 1920x1080 screen. So even if I set the default location on my screen to be go as far left as possible, he still has a bigger screen than I and it will have a big gap between the edge and the icons. And If I set it to work with his screen, then I cannot see the first icons. lol)

Anyways my point was it would be cool if the icon could follow the edge of the screen at whatever size your screen is at. But might require too much code.

So if it could be set to add the buffs from the first slot (I could set the first icon directly left of the items bar) then the next icon would be placed on its left, and it would not cover anything,

No need to read that stuff ^ just this stuff here if you want:

Like this picture I sort of set up to make it look like I wanted Except if I add another buff, it covers the armor. All I'm suggesting is the option for the next buff to be added on the left side of all the icons so that the armor does not get covered up.

I also just checked to make sure the chat bar isn't in the way and it is not. I love that when you press t, it hides everything. and if someone says something it apears above where I put the bar. :D

edit: Oh and it would be cool if you could sort the buff that will last the longest either to the right or to the left.

Crudedragos commented 10 years ago

Closing in favor of focused issues. Feel free to create new issues not covered/I've missed or add to created ones. Amount of Display Slots: Clearer/Additional display modes: Additional Track Modes/Rules: Better justification: