ProjectionWizard /

Projection Wizard: map projection selection tool
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ProjWiz.js JavaScript API library #14

Open ProjectionWizard opened 4 years ago

ProjectionWizard commented 4 years ago

ProjWiz.js would be a JavaScript library, which could be added into a web application for automated selection of map projection. API call would take input parameters and return PROJ or WKT string.

dshean commented 3 years ago

I see this was opened in Dec 2019.

I was just about to open a new issue asking whether there were plans to stand up an API for the underlying logic used by projection wizard to select a projection for a given extent and distortion preference.

+1 for a Python API that will return PROJ or WKT. This would be a great service for the community! Maybe this already exists?

beuan commented 3 years ago

@dshean, thank you for your suggestion! I hope someday I will have time to work on this and also creating a similar one for Python. This is my side project, which isn't very high on my priority list.

nunderwood6 commented 1 month ago

Just want to +1 this idea. Being able to programmatically assign ideal custom projections based on a bounding box and distortion property would be amazing.

jwasilgeo commented 1 month ago

Happy to pair up on this @beuan if you ever want to give it a go