ProjectsByJRP / stm32-bme280

Bosch BME280 driver for STM32 using HAL - both SPI and I2C work
26 stars 11 forks source link

A simple example #2

Open Alex-7 opened 4 years ago

Alex-7 commented 4 years ago

Could you, please, publish a simple example of how to read data via I2C from BME280 with the library?

I know how to generate the project in the STM32CubeIDE, how to activate the i2C, connect the BME280 to the SDA and SCL.

I would like to see how I could initialize the sensor in the main.c and how to make the read of the temperature, pressure, humidity, and altitude.

Thank you and best regards!

martinius96 commented 1 week ago

4 years later and no progress :O