Open cesine opened 10 years ago
Disclaimer: I don't really trust that my Excel is actually set to French. After I changed the language setting, I opened the csv from #222 (which I downloaded last Friday) to make sure it recognizes virgule as columns, and it did. However, when I re-downloaded the same file from #222 and opened it, everything was opened in one column, and there is no virgule but it was comma. I don't know why this happened, unless you have changed the csv at since last Friday.
Copy-pasted the sample csv to supposedly (but not certainly) set-to-French Excel. Save as Windows CSV and opened in TextEdit. Result:
Code Permanent;N∞ section;PrÈnom;Nom de famille;Date de naissance migm740610ea;212;Marius;Mignon;2010-06-12 rega665319is;212;Amelie;Regnault;2010-03-04 sica761209om;212;Armande;Sicard;2009-12-14 thic665310ke;212;Corine;Thiebaud;2010-03-04 voia685310ks;212;Alfredine;Voirin;2010-03-06
I guess Excel is in fact set to French as there are virgule au lieu de comma.
Saved as simple csv. TextEdit opens it without corrupting the accents. And it's virgule-separated .
unless you have changed the csv at since last Friday.
yes in fact, we did :) we put the ; version there only temporarlily as a patch. has only , and is in UTF-8 and there are 4 new files point virgule which has the ; for mac, windows and , for mac, windows
ok, then I think my temporary French Excel is reliable.
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