ProminentEdge / leaflet-measure-path

Show measurements on Leaflet paths
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Polygon - show total area excluding overllapped/hole ones? #17

Open mickeyjohn opened 7 years ago

mickeyjohn commented 7 years ago

Hi!. It's a nice plugin.

However it only shows total area for each polygon separately. How to make it show total area for the outter rings exluding the overllapped/hole ones?

Any pointer is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

greyeagle commented 6 years ago

Hi, I ran into the same issue having to include inner rings. I did not treat the case of inner rings overlapping to the outward since I do not need this in my case. So I assume inner rings are indeed inner and their area will fully be subtracted. I changed updateMeasurements to the following: `updateMeasurements: function() {

        if (!this._measurementLayer) return;

        var latLngs = this.getLatLngs(),
            isPolygon = this instanceof L.Polygon,
            options = this._measurementOptions,
            totalDist = 0,
        var latLngArray = [];
        if (latLngs && latLngs.length && L.Util.isArray(latLngs[0])) {
            //rings are stored as an array, outer ring in the first element,
            // put that into the array
            latLngArray = latLngs;
        else if (latLngs) {
            //only one pair but we want an array in any case

        var id = 0;
        var area = 0;
        //step through the array of rings
        while (id < latLngArray.length) {
            latLngs = latLngArray[id];
            if (this._measurementOptions.showDistances && latLngs.length > 1) {
                formatter = this._measurementOptions.formatDistance || L.bind(this.formatDistance, this);

                for (var i = 1, len = latLngs.length; (isPolygon && i <= len) || i < len; i++) {
                    ll1 = latLngs[i - 1];
                    ll2 = latLngs[i % len];
                    dist = ll1.distanceTo(ll2);
                    totalDist += dist;

                    p1 = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(ll1);
                    p2 = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(ll2);

                    pixelDist = p1.distanceTo(p2);

                    if (pixelDist >= options.minPixelDistance) {
                            this._map.layerPointToLatLng([(p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2]), 
                            formatter(dist), options.lang.segmentLength, this._getRotation(ll1, ll2), options)

                // Show total length for polylines
                if (!isPolygon) {
                    L.marker.measurement(ll2, formatter(totalDist), options.lang.totalLength, 0, options)

            if (isPolygon && options.showArea && latLngs.length > 2) {
                formatter = options.formatArea || L.bind(this.formatArea, this);
               //outer ring is the first one
                   if (id > 0) {
                    area -= ringArea(latLngs);
                else {
                    area += ringArea(latLngs);
                    formatter(area), options.lang.totalArea, 0, options)
            id += 1;
        return formatter(area);