PromyLOPh / pandora-apidoc API documentation
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Extra parameter needed not in documentation? #21

Open thewithz opened 7 years ago

thewithz commented 7 years ago

When using method auth.userLogin I am getting an error code 4 _URL_PARAM_MISSING_PARTNERID. The documentation says that you only need 5 parameters, the method name, the login type, username, password, and partnerAuthToken. But when I send { "loginType" : "user", "username" : "uname", "password" : "passwd", "partnerAuthToken" : "token"} to it still says I am missing a parameter.

I've tried to send to as well but this also fails.

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

auth_token is missing, see

thewithz commented 7 years ago

I'm a bit confused because in this instance, isn't the auth_token url parameter the same as the partnerAuthToken you send via the json? Or are they different? I'm sending to _ now and it is returning an error code 0.

EDIT: Never mind, I see now why I need auth_token however I'm still baffled as to why I am receiving an error code 0.

EDIT 2: leaving partner_id blank gives an error code 1010. So that part is working normally.

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

As far as I see you’re also missing the syncTime key in your JSON request.

thewithz commented 7 years ago

Ok I understand what I'm doing wrong now. Sorry for the confusion!

thewithz commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry to bother you again, but this is just unbelievably frustrating. I keep receiving error code 0 when trying to log in as a user. I am sending this json: { "syncTime": 1872069792, "password": "*********", "loginType": "user", "partnerAuthToken": "token", "username": "*****" } where syncTime is the (current time of partner log in minus the decrypted time) plus current time of user log in my URL is this

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

Hi! I am having the same issue that you. I don't know who to obtain the auth_token parameter for the url. Is it the same as the partner authentification token?

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz: Alot of implementations are available already, have a look at Either one of these already fits your needs or you can look at their requests and figure out what exactly is different from yours. Error 0 is pretty generic and I don’t know what is wrong at the moment. Are you encrypting the HTTP POST body?

@brunoescalona: auth_token is the same as partnerAuthToken for this request. Make sure special chars are urlencoded.

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@PromyLOPh Thank you for the response. @TheWithz are you still having the same issue with the syncTime? Could you give me an example to calculate that parameter? (I have no idea how to decrypt the time obtained from Pandora).

thewithz commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona I used something called Blowfish to decrypt the sync time. What language are you using?

@PromyLOPh I'm writing an API wrapper in Java, because there is none yet, and I want to interface it with another Java project I am working on. I encrypted the JSON post body with the partner password listed in the API doc. Was there a different encryption I am supposed to be using?

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz right now I am not using any language. I want to implement it in Node.js but at the moment I am trying to obtain as much info as I can. At the moment I am using POST request by hand with POSTMAN tool, but I am not able to obtain any results. Just the partner authentication. In the login request I get the 0 error code. I am stucked right now.

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

encrypted the JSON post body with the partner password listed in the API doc. Was there a different encryption I am supposed to be using? Nope, just checking.

thewithz commented 7 years ago

Just to clarify in case I'm getting this wrong, am I supposed to encrypt the final json or each key value pair individually

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

The entire request body:

Unless noted otherwise JSON-encoded requests sent by the client within the HTTP POST body are encrypted using Blowfish ECB and converted to hexadecimal notation with lowercase letters. --

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz Hi, How do you get the syncTime decoded exactly? I am using blowfish with the partner password as key but I can't get a time. I am using blowfish.

thewithz commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona at first I got it working, but now two weeks later I am receiving error code 13s on any command i try to run. I think it might have something to do with the fact that Pandora's website got updated... I don't want to show you code that doesn't work.

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz ok! but I would like just to know how did you do the decoding stuff I was trying to obtain something valid but I just get incoherent data and numbers....

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona I'm trying to do the same and create a Node.js API. Have you gotten past the Code 0 error? If so, how did you fix it? If you have Discord I'd love to talk to you about it! Add me, FireController1847#3577

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 sorry for my delay. No at the moment I have stopped that project but I am still stucked in that point. I can obtain the partner login but I am not able to decode properly the syncTime.

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona Aww, alright.

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 here I have all the code I did for the partner authentication but I could not do the login. Just it is usefull for you.... pandora node.js If you can decode the syncTime or make some advance just let me know please :)

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona I was able to decode syncTime using the blowfish module you were talking about. Maybe you were having issues for it? Even with syncTime, I couldn't get past the Code 0 error on Postman.

PromyLOPh commented 7 years ago

Looking at request.js, you’re using the wrong password to decrypt the syncTime. You need the “decrypt password” listed here:

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

It's be great if you guys could talk about this on me within Discord. Add me, my name is FireController1847#9085 @PromyLOPh @brunoescalona

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@PromyLOPh Thank you!!!!!! I didn't see the decrypt password and I was using the password itself. @FireController1847 how are you obtaining the syncTime? Are you using just the decoded syncTime or are you using this formula? Maybe that could solve the problem:

Synchonized time. Calculation: current time + (time of Partner login request – syncTime from Partner login response). This is a protection against replay-attacks.

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

942yk 1 @brunoescalona @PromyLOPh I'm doing exactly what's in the image above. This is the data I am sending. To be honest, I'm probably missing something very obvious. bq8yu 1

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz Are you sending the Body encoded? I think in the user login you should send it encoded.

Unless noted otherwise JSON-encoded requests sent by the client within the HTTP POST body are encrypted using Blowfish ECB and converted to hexadecimal notation with lowercase letters.

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

My user brunoescalona#0787

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@TheWithz How did you fix that damn Code 0 error? @brunoescalona I've moved on from the Code 0 error to a... Code 1001? How the hell do you get a code 1001 on a user login?! I loop through the key of every object and encrypt it that way. Then the object ends up being stuff like {"loginType": "EE1EE3EBFD..."}

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 hi I left the project time ago haha. I could not connect so I just leave it at the end.

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona I keep leaving it but then I keep coming back thinking I'll do it this time.... of course, every time I do it I just receive the same ol' Code 0 error. Until recently, when I figured out something extremely important: We were encrypting incorrectly.

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 why we were encryting incorrectly?

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona When we had the object, we did not need to stringify it and then encrypt it, but instead we needed to encrypt every value within the object. Here's an example below.

let userLoginInfo = {
  "loginType": "user",
  "username": "",
  "password": "XXXXX",
  // "incluePandoraOneInfo": true,
  // "includeSubscriptionExpiration": true,
  // "returnCapped": true,
  // "includeAdAttributes": true,
  // "includeAdvertiserAttributes": true,
  // "xplatformAdCapable": true,
  "partnerAuthToken": res.partnerAuthToken,
  "syncTime": calcdSyncTime


Encrypted User Login Info: {
  "loginType": "EE1EE3EBFD757FCA",
  "username": "XXXX",
  "password": "XXXX",
  "partnerAuthToken": "F64EAFC5B1FA3A2C7388867A53FA787B7596A4F3E34A403BF6A8A942F41E1DFA1A00444A886473BB",
  "syncTime": null
brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 ok I understand.... so when I have time I will try it again.

FireController1847 commented 7 years ago

@brunoescalona I'll be on Discord if you want to chat. FireController1847#9085

brunoescalona-zz commented 7 years ago

@FireController1847 ok! if I have time I will connect. :) thank you!

abreksa4 commented 6 years ago

Seeing an error 9 with the following request after a successful partner login:

array(3) {
  string(34) "xxxxx"
  string(2) "xx"
  string(14) "auth.userLogin"

Where partnerAuthToken and auth_token are the value returned from the successful partner login.

Any thoughts? Not sure if 0 is a valid syncTime value, but wouldn't think error 9 would be the response in that case.

FireController1847 commented 6 years ago

@abreksa4 SyncTime cannot be 0, it's a built number using and something else (for JS). It's been so long, though, that I can't remember. Sorry :(

abreksa4 commented 6 years ago

@FireController1847 No problem, thanks for the pointer. Looks like my application (read: environment) was encrypting/decrypting the data incorrectly. syncTime is no longer zero, but getting a 1002 error now (INVALID_PARTNER_LOGIN) while using the info provided in the docs here for partner credentials, same as the rest of the implementations I've looked at.

Anyone experiencing that? Not really under the scope of this ticket, but figured I'd mention it while I try to work it out.

PromyLOPh commented 6 years ago

Which partner credentials are you using? These work fine for pianobar:

abreksa4 commented 6 years ago

@PromyLOPh I'm using the android credentials as well, though I cycled through the rest of the available sets and got the same error, so thinking it's an issue on my end if other projects are using them successfully.

abreksa4 commented 6 years ago

Alright, figured since I got this resolved I'd post the results here.

Turned out to be an issue with PHP 7.2 dropping mcrypt, and the ensuing headaches caused by trying to use openssl instead.

Asked the question on freenode in ##php, and was pointed at within 20 minutes, courtesy of Sammitch.

Used the magic methods included in that comment and now the api calls are working.

Link to the updated php library fork for anyone interested:

FireController1847 commented 6 years ago

@abreksa4 You're saying your PHP library is working. Do you mind talking with me on Discord or Email so I can try and get past the userLogin? I'm still getting Code 0. Add me on Discord FireController1847#3577 or email me at, as if you could give me some tips and questions that would be amazing (rather than me trying to decode your PHP library, one of the few languages I understand unlike C, Python, and C# xD)

FireController1847 commented 6 years ago

Scratch that on that last comment. I cannot believe it, but I finally got it to work. Thank you everyone who was part of and helped in this thread (even though it's not mine xD)!