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[REST] Question: How to play ads? #29

Open FireController1847 opened 6 years ago

FireController1847 commented 6 years ago

I've currently got getFragment to work as well as requesting and getting songs to work, but I can't seem to find any way to play ads provided. I've been watching the Pandora website request multiple times to /v1/ad/getAdList, and only once has it responded with adType: "AUDIO_AD". Even then, it didn't provide any helpful URLs other than some XML and the adRequestMetaData as well as lineId and creativeId. I can't provide users with visual ads due to the way I'm building my app, which means I fully rely on audio ads. To do so, I need to know how to do that. Does anyone know how to get an audioURL for ads using the REST api?

Also, oddly enough in my testing of playing about ~1 hour of music on Pandora (the actual website, just listening in the background on a brand new test account), I have yet to hear ONE audio ad, which doesn't help (and no, I don't have an ad blocker enabled. To ensure, I even switched from using Opera to Edge for my testing).