PromyLOPh / pianobar

Console-based player
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TLS-fingerprint mismatch #652

Closed chrisjosack closed 6 years ago

chrisjosack commented 6 years ago

How do I fix a TLS-fingerprint mismatch in LINUX Debian. Just installed it then ran upgrades and updates.

PromyLOPh commented 6 years ago

You must be running a pretty old version of pianobar. You can run ./contrib/ and set tls_fingerprint in your config file or – recommended – update pianobar itself.

chrisjosack commented 6 years ago

I am new to Linux so I may not be working from the right place. I redownloded the newest pianobar, Unzipped it then I used sudo apt-get install. then I used sudo apt-get udate and it updated a lot of OS files but not Pianobar. Must I be in a certain directory when i update? Thanks in advance.

nikty commented 6 years ago

@chrisjosack you are doing 2 unrelated things. You don't unzip anything when using apt-get. Check the version of pianobar that is installed via apt-get: $ dpkg -l | grep pianobar If it's old, either upgrade your system (see system's manual) or install pianobar from the source code (now, HERE you unzip things and run commands like `make').

bgarr33434 commented 6 years ago

sorry, but what constitutes "old"? I'm told by folks at Mycroft that this hasn't been touched in years?

PromyLOPh commented 6 years ago

Everything but the latest release (right now that’s 2018.06.22) is old and unsupported, unless your distribution steps in and provides support/patches. Sorry.

bgarr33434 commented 6 years ago

no worries. Do I have to compile my own, or can I install from the command line. When I do an apt-get install pianobar, it tells me I have the most current version

bgarr33434 commented 6 years ago

the actual error is Network error: TLS fingerprint mismatch. Perhaps this is a network error, not a mismatch error?