PromyLOPh / pianobar

Console-based player
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Change the user agent? #671

Closed midicase closed 5 years ago

midicase commented 5 years ago

Poking around at the stream I'm getting a paltry 64 kbps rate, even though being a premium subscriber and high-quality set. Is Pandora using the user-agent to also determine which additional constraints to place on the the rate?

Do I need to do something else to get 192 kbps offered to the flash client?

PromyLOPh commented 5 years ago

No, see

midicase commented 5 years ago

I see the blurb in the Pandora page:

Change Audio Quality on Mobile If you have a free account or Pandora Plus subscriber:

They don't really say what normal or High are. Is this 32 and 64?

My question still stands for mimicking the flash client since it is capable of getting better quality:

Change Audio Quality on the Web

PromyLOPh commented 5 years ago

I’m not a subscriber and therefore can only relay what the other user wrote in the comment I refered to above. Mimicking the flash client (didn’t they move to HTML5 a few years ago?) is more complicated than just changing the user agent. It uses a different API, see