PromyLOPh / pianobar

Console-based player
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Authentication not possible using paid account #714

Closed bkw777 closed 3 years ago

bkw777 commented 3 years ago

Authentication (paid account) suddenly no longer works with pianobar, or pandoroid, or pithos, latest versions of all, and all working up to an hour ago. Yet the web page works at the same time, same network, same pc.

So Pandora changed something?

PromyLOPh commented 3 years ago

It works for me with a free account (I don’t have a paid testing account). If this is not a transient error, could you please run PIANOBAR_DEBUG=1 pianobar 2> error.log and send me error.log in private (; GPG) after removing your credentials and auth token?

jmkinny commented 3 years ago

Stopped working yesterday for me as well. I ran the snippet above, but error.log was created but empty.

PromyLOPh commented 3 years ago

Sorry, pianobar needs to be compiled with debugging support, i.e. without -DNDEBUG, so depending on the distribution you may have to build it yourself. (make CFLAGS=-O2)

bkw777 commented 3 years ago

bkw777 commented 3 years ago

Working again. Not just me, and not just pianobar.