PromyLOPh / pianobar

Console-based player
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Cannot log in on VPN | Error: Invalid auth token. #733

Closed jmelahman closed 1 year ago

jmelahman commented 1 year ago

Subject of the issue

Maybe only worth posting to help others troubleshoot, but it won't let me log in while connect to PrivateInternetAccess VPN. Effectively any backend call fails i.e. switching on the VPN after signing in hangs.

Your environment


$ uname -a
Linux kyoko 5.19.2-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed, 17 Aug 2022 13:48:51 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    n/a
Distributor ID: Arch
Description:    Arch Linux
Release:        rolling
Codename:       n/a
user = my_email
password = my_password
PromyLOPh commented 1 year ago

Does the website work through the VPN?

jmelahman commented 1 year ago

Yep. I am able to log out and log in through the webapp with the identical credentials with no issue. Also confirmed with Incognito enabled.

PromyLOPh commented 1 year ago

Have you tried the bind_to option? Maybe you have to tell pianobar explicitly to use your VPN interface? Apart from that I have no idea why it would tell you “invalid auth token” on login. You can try building with debug support and run PIANOBAR_DEBUG=1 ./pianobar – perhaps the raw response has more information, but I don’t expect it to.

Erfboom commented 1 year ago

Same issue here.

Linux arch 6.0.9-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed, 16 Nov 2022 17:01:17 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Welcome to pianobar (2022.04.01)! Press ? for a list of commands. [?] Email: [?] Password: (i) Login... Error: Invalid auth token.

Currently using a VPN. Am able to log into the web version just fine. Was using pianobar a couple hours ago using the same VPN at a different network. Changed locations, same VPN, pianobar gives this error.

PromyLOPh commented 1 year ago

Please see my comment above. Also make sure the mobile (Android/iOS) version works for you. The website uses a different API.

jmelahman commented 1 year ago

Just to circle back here, I tried using bind_to option to no success. I also tried compiling with debug mode -- not sure if I did it correctly because I didn't seen any debug messages.

Also, seems to be working as expected on my VPN set up now. i.e. not reproducible from my end.

If there's no reason to think this is client-side, I think closing this makes the most sense. Appreciate the help.

governor22 commented 10 months ago

I'm also having the same error: Error: Invalid auth token.

pianobar version 2022.04.01

Note: Pandora website works with VPN. Pandora iOS app also works with VPN.

Did anyone figure it out ?

UPDATE: Changed my VPN to another part of USA and it's working now. All good!