ProofSuite / OrFeed

DeFi & Distributed Data Service Aggregator
Apache License 2.0
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Example dApp Interface for Oracle Discovery (Front-end only) #47

Closed mikedeshazer closed 4 years ago

mikedeshazer commented 4 years ago

OrFeed has a price/numerical date registry and an event/general data registry (this one mostly for uncensored data:

In the smart contract, each time an oracle is registered it is appended to a public array so that all oracles are discoverable.

We are seeking a simple user interface in which someone can connect via MetaMask, etc/Ethereum and then pull the data of all oracles. Each oracle reference strings is tied to a mapping of author, smart contract that provides the data, and an info string (for why/how the oracle works/contract details for creator... all optional)

The simple, non-styled site would have the following flow:

  1. Connect Button that uses Web3 1.0+ to connect to chain

  2. Select whether they want info on pricing data oracles (that return numbers) or general data oracles (that return strings)

  3. Retrieve all the oracles that were recently added in addition to all oracles

  4. When clicking on an oracle name you could get all the details on that oracles: their info string (about etc), the creator and the smart contract it is linked to

  5. When selecting an oracle they can send over parameters to get data from that specific oracle (if pricing then the fromSymbol, toSymbol data, as is in and if events/general data just the theEvent parameter for getting information on that event.

Ideally this would be deployed as A GitHub page (so has no server-side calls)

DApp registry addresses on mainnet can be found at the top of main README of this project.

This is to help people find oracle providers via Orfeed that they might want to connect with. After this, we (don't worry about this part) will add a nice skin to put on the OrFeed site so they can discover oracle providers and their data.

For any questions about this issue, please feel free to reach out on Discord:

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.5 ETH (90.36 USD @ $180.71/ETH) attached to it as part of the proofsuite fund.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Cancelled

The funding of 0.5 ETH (95.82 USD @ $191.64/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter

Devilla commented 4 years ago

orfeed.getExchangeRate() method isn't returning values on Kovan and Rinkeby.