Proryanator / encoder-benchmark

A tool to benchmark your hardware's real-time video encoding capabilities.
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 5 forks source link

Support for CQP #18

Open WilliamsGomes1 opened 1 year ago

WilliamsGomes1 commented 1 year ago

Would be interesting to have a way to know which CQP value is needed to achieve a visually lossless VMAF in the Permutor Cli, so it would do basically the same thing, changing presets and tuning but instead of starting by a CBR bitrate value, it would start by a high CQP value, like 30, and lowering until hit 95+ VMAF score (Being able to change the starting and ending point of iteration just like in CBR would be ideal).

Proryanator commented 1 year ago

I like this idea a lot too, would be curious on the findings with CQP.