Closed BlackJar72 closed 5 years ago
You can use deobfCompile
in gradle, this will automatically create you a debof jar that is also on the correct mappings.
There is no need for debof jars anymore (since a few years ago)
Traverse is on my maven so you can easily include it in your build.gradle
Well, I meant include an obvious way to compile one in the build.gradle -- I can do this with some build scripts, but don't know how to with yours (I'm far from a Gradle expert). It compiles a source jar, why not a deobf (more useful, since if your compiling you have source)?
(Also, my build.gradle doesn't seem to effect how Eclipse sees files.)
Add this to your repositories block in your build.gradle:
maven { name = "Modmuss50" url = "" }
This adds modmuss' maven repo to your script so you can access files hosted on it.
Then add this to your dependencies block:
compile 'prospector.traverse:Traverse-1.12.2-1.6.1-71'
That should work. Deobf builds are no longer necessary/pointless these days
OK, thanks, I'll try that. I was going to add a user config system anyone -- if this doesn't work I'll just drop out-of-the-box support and players can add your biomes that way.
EDIT: Didn't work -- no effect on Eclipse and crashed Gradle. I'll just leave this to a config system and players can added it that way. But thanks for responding.
If you plan on supporting users adding their own biomes via config, why do you need to call Traverse code anyway?
I just wanted to make it easy to use with a few of the more popular biome mods -- some players love maximum control, but many want things to just automatically work and assume it will.
What do you need to call Traverse's code for if you can do everything with a config? Why not just ship default configs with traverse and biomes o plenty and stuff?
Because then it would crash for anyone without those mods. I suppose I could attempt to load biomes and skip if null. Mostly likely though it will be a diy system for whatever mods you happen to have (that add biomes).
I've been working on a biome-placement mod / modded biome provider. I've already added BoP support, but would like to add built in Traverse support as well. You seem be using your own Gradle scripts (I'm not a Gradle expert, but I can see they aren't the ones from Forge), and I'm not quite sure how to modify them. Do you think you could add a deobf to the compilation, it would really help to be able to reference this mod in eclipse without including all of its source code.