Closed edmondop closed 1 year ago
That warning message is more of an error. Wine only works on x86 or x86_64 and pwiz is compiled for x86_64, so it actually only works on that.
So I should expect not to run any message unless I specify platform linux/x86?
That's a little suprising:
WARNING: image with reference proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses was found but does not match the specified platform: wanted linux/x86, actual: linux/amd64 docker: Error response from daemon: image with reference proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses was found but does not match the specified platform: wanted linux/x86, actual: linux/amd64. See 'docker run --help'.
You want linux/amd64 (amd64=x86_64).
In the last line here I am using amd64, but still getting an empty output. Am I missing something? Thank you for your help
Your detected host platform is arm64. You need to run on a amd64 host. I'm not sure why it doesn't give you a warning or error when you try to run the amd64 image on arm64 though (with the --platform flag).
The Docker for Mac app comes packed with QEMU out of the box - so Docker is able to run either arm64 and amd64 images. Most official images are now supported on arm64 too. If you're building an image, by default it'll use your native architecture to execute the build (arm64) and most things will magically just work.
I don't have any experience using QEMU to run Wine. A little googling suggested it was easy to have problems with that approach. What if you run something other than msconvert like wine regsvr32
. Also try wine64
instead of wine
Thanks, regsvr32
works using both wine
and wine64
❯ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine64 msconvert --help
❯ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine64 regsvr32
Wine DLL Registration Utility
Provides DLL registration services.
regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] DllName
[/u] Unregister a server.
[/s] Silent mode (no messages will be displayed).
[/i] Call DllInstall, passing an optional [cmdline].
When used with [/u] DllInstall is called in uninstall mode.
[/n] Do not call DllRegisterServer. This option must be used with [/i].
❯ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine regsvr32
Wine DLL Registration Utility
Provides DLL registration services.
regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] DllName
[/u] Unregister a server.
[/s] Silent mode (no messages will be displayed).
[/i] Call DllInstall, passing an optional [cmdline].
When used with [/u] DllInstall is called in uninstall mode.
[/n] Do not call DllRegisterServer. This option must be used with [/i].
Try to run this trivial .NET executable in wine:
You can mount it with -v like -v /path/to/downloads:/downloads
and then run it like docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v /path/to/downloads:/downloads proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine /downloads/PrintNetFrameworkVersion.exe
It should print .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2
❯ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v `pwd`:/downloads proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine /downloads/PrintNetFrameworkVersion.exe.
Same empty line. I am trying now to run this in GitPod which uses a plain Linux box
You can try to use this
also docker run -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine msconvert --help
there doesn't produce any output
I don't know anything about When I ran wine regsvr32
on it that didn't produce any output either, but ls /
did. Maybe that's a docker in docker or docker in VM issue. But PrintNetFrameworkVersion is a super simple 2 line .NET program, so if it doesn't produce output then there's something wrong with the docker/QEMU/wine/.NET combination. I don't know what that would be. But I've gotten just the docker/wine/.NET combination working in several more traditional contexts: on Windows running Docker Desktop, on a real Linux/AMD64 box running standard docker, and on Linux/AMD64 VMs.
Can you maybe share the details of the Docker Host Linux/AMD64 you are using?
docker system info
Sorry, that was a typo
Here's one from AWS Linux 2 that works.
Context: default
Debug Mode: false
Containers: 1
Running: 1
Paused: 0
Stopped: 0
Images: 5
Server Version: 20.10.4
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: xfs
Supports d_type: true
Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Cgroup Version: 1
Volume: local
Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: 05f951a3781f4f2c1911b05e61c160e9c30eaa8e
runc version: 12644e614e25b05da6fd08a38ffa0cfe1903fdec
init version: de40ad0
Security Options:
Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.14.219-164.354.amzn2.x86_64
Operating System: Amazon Linux 2
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 7.69GiB
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode: false
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
In the documentation on DockerHub, it seems that the msconvert --help command is supported.
In particular, a specific section says:
However, when trying locally, this doesn't work