Proto-App / Proto-Android

Realtime circuit simulator for Android platform.
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Example submit and Function request #119

Open YukarinnAM opened 2 years ago

YukarinnAM commented 2 years ago

Hello! I saw in one of these issues that the app was searching for more circuit examples so i thought that maybe some usual circuits that are also easily replicable could be good The circuit is this one here Screenshot_20220219-142639 An Astable Multi-Vibrator/Oscillator based on an OpAmp

here is the circuit (edited) "Astable Multivibrator" was 1 character too long but this title should be adecuate as well

Also the function request i have is similar to the "Text" Component But like a little calculator, where you can put as an example R= ( {1/{R1} + 1/{R2}} ) and it outputs the actual result of the equation With {R1} It would give you the Value of R1 and with {1/{R1}} It would give you the 1 over the value of R1 This would be great for some circuit designs Of course i imagine this function only working With Passive components and perhaps also with Voltage, i don't think current would be needed since you can just do a shunt and put it like {{R1} * {VR1}} applying the Ohm Law I think i would be a huge improvement tbh because it sounds simple in concept but the possibilities with it are boundless in this circuit in submitted as example, the equation for the frecuency and duty cicle could be done automaticly and so everyone can see it and edit it to see why it outputs the result it outputs Without more to say i thank once again for this great app!

YukarinnAM commented 2 years ago

Another great use of this function would be showing the efficiency of a circuit As an example comparing the Source voltage and current to see the power consumption and showing how a resistor led circuit loses most of that extra voltage dissipated on the resistor by (I^2×R)

YukarinnAM commented 2 years ago

Small update: The equation i made had a small error which is that it measures the down time to change this just put it like this 100% / (R1×R2) * R2 that way it measures the voltage division on R2 which is the one being readed by the comparator actually i just realized that there is a edit function on github....there, edited