Trying to set gate saturation voltage of an n-channel FET to something resembling a real component I was planning to use (with a saturation voltage of around 10 Volts) seemed to be impossible. Device characteristics didn't allow any adjustments of FET parameters.
Medium term wishlist item would be to save adjusted parameters to a new named component "macro", selectable (and retrievable) from "folder" of customised devices (maybe by long-tapping the stock device when selecting?), opening and allowing to pick one of those customised devices.
Desirable not just for FETs but a whole range of other components too.
Trying to set gate saturation voltage of an n-channel FET to something resembling a real component I was planning to use (with a saturation voltage of around 10 Volts) seemed to be impossible. Device characteristics didn't allow any adjustments of FET parameters. Medium term wishlist item would be to save adjusted parameters to a new named component "macro", selectable (and retrievable) from "folder" of customised devices (maybe by long-tapping the stock device when selecting?), opening and allowing to pick one of those customised devices. Desirable not just for FETs but a whole range of other components too.