ProtoLife / daptics-api

API documentation and clients for the design of experiments engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Move gql imports to module level #49

Closed pzingg closed 2 months ago

pzingg commented 2 months ago

Minor changes to make loading the daptics_client a bit more robust

nhpackard commented 2 months ago

Still getting error on daptics.connect():

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 5>()
      1 daptics.options = auto_options
      3 # The 'connect' method will connect to the API server and obtain the
      4 # GraphQL schema.
----> 5 daptics.connect()

File [~/Projects/drug-library/Nuvisan/daptics-api/python_client/daptics_client/](http://localhost:9888/lab/workspaces/auto-Y/tree/Nuvisan/daptics-api/python_client/Nuvisan/daptics-api/python_client/daptics_client/, in DapticsClient.connect(self)
   1080     self.api_url = '{0}[/api](http://localhost:9888/api)'.format(
   1081     self.websocket_url = '{0}[/socket/websocket](http://localhost:9888/socket/websocket)'.format(ws_host)
   1083     http = gql.transport.requests.RequestsHTTPTransport(
   1084         self.api_url,
   1085         auth=self.auth,
   1086         use_json=True,
-> 1087         verify=self.options['verify_ssl_certificates'])
   1088     self.gql = gql.Client(
   1089         transport=http, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
   1091 compat = self.check_api_compatibility()

KeyError: 'verify_ssl_certificates'

rservex version on spin is

root@spin:/home/ubuntu/pdt-rservex# git status -uno
On branch client-compat-testing
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/client-compat-testing'.