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New Chapter Request - Phoenix #12

Closed eosArizona closed 5 years ago

eosArizona commented 5 years ago

I would like to start a chapter to help members of my existing meetup groups organize and create content.

Bill Mar 425-443-6775

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@eosArizona Since I don't at first glance see the topic area mentioned in any of those meetup groups, I just want to quickly clarify that the focus of all ProtoSchool content (web tutorials and live chapter events) should be about decentralized web protocols and tools (for example, IPFS, IPLD, LibP2P, Multiformat, Filecoin, etc.). If you plan to focus your ProtoSchool chapter repo and events on these decentralized web topics, then it's fine to post your event listings to a variety of tech groups where the members are interested in that content. However, it wouldn't be appropriate to build a ProtoSchool chapter that's not focused on the decentralized web. Does that make sense and match your expectations?

eosArizona commented 5 years ago

Past events of Maker of Phoenix have many decentralized events, including ipfs day with 11 attendees. from Phoenix. We're the biggest decentralization meetup in town due to the breath of technologies. Starting a new meetup group from zero isn't as effective as leveraging a larger existing group, but if you must have a new meetup with your name on it, Santos can do that.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@eosArizona I have no problem with ProtoSchool events being hosted by Meetup groups with other names that also offer other content, and even cross-posted to multiple Meetup groups. I agree that leveraging existing groups is a nice way to build an audience. Just wanted to make sure that the focus of those ProtoSchool workshops and the repo on decentralized web topics was clear, and I do think we're on the same page about that. Sorry for the confusion.

It appears we have multiple folks interested in organizing a ProtoSchool chapter in Phoenix, with both @eosArizona and @5antoshernandez volunteering (see issue #13). That's awesome!! Any chance the two of you would be game to combine forces and organize a single phoenix chapter together that welcomes members from both of your circles? From my perspective that would be a great way to build a larger community for decentralized web enthusiasts in Phoenix, and you could take advantage of the various groups you're each already organizing as you promote ProtoSchool workshops to the broader developer community. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

eosArizona commented 5 years ago

Make it so.

Make Santos and I co-organizers. Santos is already co-organizer of Makers of Phoenix meetup.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

Sounds great, @eosArizona & @5antoshernandez. I'll work on getting a phoenix chapter repo set up for you after the long weekend.

One of your responsibilities as chapter organizers will be to administer your chapter's Code of Conduct. Can you please provide me with the contact information you'd like used if a chapter member needs to report a violation of that CoC?

5antoshernandez commented 5 years ago

Sounds good! We will setup a specific email.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@5antoshernandez @eosArizona I've set up an almost-MVP phoenix repo for you and made you both admins. I've also added both of you to our chapter-organizers team and the phoenix team you can use to communicate with your members.

Please see the issue queue in your chapter repo for a few final steps that need to be taken in order to get your repo finalized and your chapter listed on our website. Once those steps are complete, we'll close out this setup issue.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@5antoshernandez @eosArizona Just checking in to see if you have any questions as you finish setting up your repo. Looking forward to getting you added to our chapter listings once you're ready!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@5antoshernandez @eosArizona Thank you both for ensuring 2FA is enabled on your GitHub accounts!

Just checking in with a quick reminder that your chapter isn't yet listed on our website. Please see the issue queue in your chapter repo for a few final steps that need to be taken in order to get your repo finalized and your chapter listed on our website.

Don't hesitate to send questions my way. Thanks!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@eosArizona @5antoshernandez Thanks for submitting the pull request to add your chapter to our website. I've just merged the PR, so you should see your chapter appear within the next 10 minutes at

Should you decide in the future to add a website for your chapter (which you can easily do from your repo with GitHub Pages), please be sure to update the chapters.json file to include a website field with your website URL. This will update the link in our chapter listings.

I'll close this issue now, but don't hesitate to reach out with questions.