ProtoSchool / organizing

Organizing ProtoSchool events? Start here!
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New Chapter Request - [Portland, OR] #54

Closed arjunv27 closed 4 years ago

arjunv27 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for volunteering!

Thank you for your interest in starting a new ProtoSchool chapter in your local area and hosting live events based on our curriculum! Local ProtoSchool events give attendees the opportunity to work through our tutorials with the help of mentors, and our community depends on individuals like you stepping forward to lead!

Before submitting this issue, please double check the chapter list on our website and the existing new chapter requests to confirm there's not already a chapter in your area. If not, please carry on!

Please note that ProtoSchool chapters are led by awesome individuals, not by organizations. It will be your personal responsility as a chapter organizer to uphold your chapter's Code of Conduct. Organizing a ProtoSchool chapter does not create a partnership between an individual organizer (or their employer) and ProtoSchool, Protocol Labs, or related projects (IPFS, Filecoin, etc.).

Introduce Yourself Please tell us a bit about your interest in the decentralized web! Be sure to share your Twitter handle (if you have one), any related organizations or communities you're already involved with in the local area, etc. Hey guys, Super excited to collaborate in the build of the future of the web. I'm involved with the local blockchain community, participated in a week long hack-a-ton last week which was fun. Even though they are blockchain hack-a-tons I always find myself using ipfs.

Co-Organizers Will anyone else be co-organizing with you? If so, please be sure to share their GitHub handle so we can include everyone needed when setting up your repo. dantrevino

What geographic area will your ProtoSchool chapter serve? In most cases, this should be a city. (Don't forget to add your location to the title of this issue as well!) Portland, OR

What should we call your repo? In almost all cases, this will be the name of your city, with hyphens if multiple words, such as los-angeles. portland

Have you read and do you agree to abide by the ProtoSchool Code of Conduct? _All chapter organizers must review and agree to abide by the overarching ProtoSchool Code of Conduct._ Yes

How should Code of Conduct violations within your chapter be reported? _Although ProtoSchool has an overarching Code of Conduct for the community as a whole, it will be your responsibility as a chapter organizer to ensure an inclusive and welcoming community by enforcing a Code of Conduct specific to your own chapter's repo, website (if applicable), and live events. Please provide an email address and any additional contact information that your members may use to report any violations of your chapter's Code of Conduct. All contact information provided should belong to a specific individual, not a corporation._ All issues should be reported to

dantrevino commented 5 years ago

When @arjunv27 pointed ProtoSchool out to me I was super psyched. Since Arj &I met, decentralization and the underlying protocols have been a thing of frequent conversation. I run the local Blockstack Portland meetup and have co-coordinated two local blockchain hackathons. Twitter handle: dantrevino

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@arjunv27 @dantrevino Thanks for volunteering and so sorry for the delay! I'll be happy to get a repo set up for you. @arjunv27 can you confirm your last name is Velagapudi as I start plugging in details? Thanks!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@arjunv27 @dantrevino Thanks for volunteering to organize a local chapter!

I've set up a basic portland repo for you and given you admin privileges. (If you haven't already seen the invite, please visit I've also added you to our chapter-organizers team and the portland team you can use to communicate with your members.

Note that I've given you the coveted plain old "portland" repo name without a state added, but you should specify that you're in Oregon when you're updating your README, inviting people to events, etc. (I say this having grown up in Maine.)

Please double-check that I go @arjunv27's name right in the readme and CoC.

Please see the issue queue in your chapter repo for a few final steps that need to be taken in order to get your repo finalized and your chapter listed on our website. Once those steps are complete, we'll close out this setup issue.

arjunv27 commented 5 years ago

Sweet Thanks!

can you confirm your last name is Velagapudi

Yes it is

I've given you the coveted plain old "portland" repo name without a state added


terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@arjunv27 @dantrevino Just checking in to confirm you're still planning to host a ProtoSchool chapter and see if there are any questions I can help with as you get set up. There are a few open issues for you to tackle in your chapter repo to get you started.

dantrevino commented 5 years ago

Hi @terichadbourne. Yes we're definitely still planning on kicking off here. @arjunv27 is in Chicago until mid-July, and i've just been slammed with other work. We're on board and excited though!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

No problem! Just wanted to make sure everything was clear. Feel free to reach out when you get started with the setup if you have any questions.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Hi @dantrevino & @arjunv27. Just checking in again to see if you have questions I can help with as you get your chapter repo set up and added to our listings. Let me know how I can help!

arjunv27 commented 4 years ago

Hi @terichadbourne , I'm still in Chicago for the time being, I'm coordinating with Dan -- the idea is to set up a ProtoSchool in both cities and coordinate between the two; I'll keep you in the loop as this gets moving.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update @arjunv27. We don't have a chapter in Chicago yet, so I'd have no objection to you leading one there as well if you'll be located there more permanently. However, I'd like to see them present themselves to the local communities independently, have separate repos, both be listed on the website, etc., since the model is really meant to develop local communities with folks who are coming back over time and taking advantage of local connections with other groups. Make sense?

arjunv27 commented 4 years ago

Perfect sense, I'm all about developing locally. I'll catch back up in a couple of weeks, I'm still on the fence between Chi and Portland.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Perfect. Thanks, @arjunv27!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Hey @arjunv27 & @dantrevino. Just checking in on how things are coming along with your location decision. Let me know what I can do to help.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Hi there! Just reaching out to ensure you've seen the announcement on our new event-based community model for ProtoSchool, which replaces our chapter-based model. With the implementation of this new system, you'll no longer need the repo I set up for you, so I'll archive it shortly.

Under the new event-based model, hosting ProtoSchool workshops is easier than ever. Please check out our readme for all the details you need to get started. (Safety comes first, of course, so please refer to guidance from your local health authorities around COVID-19 before scheduling any gatherings.)

I'd also like to invite you subscribe to our newsletter so we can keep you informed of news and resources for local organizers. (Be sure to check the Local Leadership Updates box.)

Looking forward to working with you as you host local events in your community. Thanks again for volunteering!