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New multiple-choice Multiformats tutorial: Anatomy of a CID #81

Closed terichadbourne closed 4 years ago

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Hello, @ProtoSchool/chapter-organizers!

It’s official! We just published a new tutorial on the Anatomy of a CID, crafted by the awesome @zebateira and based on @alanshaw’s IPFS Camp 2019 course. In this new tutorial we explore all of the data revealed by these self-describing content-addressed identifiers, digging deep into multihash, multicodec, multibase, and version prefixes. We also introduce the handy CID Inspector and take a look at the evolution of the CID specification. Curious why some IPFS CIDs start with Qm... and others start with b..? Wondering why we made the switch from CIDv0 to CIDv1, or whether those versions are interchangeable? We’ve got you covered!\


You may notice that we've labelled this as a Multiformats tutorial rather than an IPFS tutorial. That's because the CID spec now lives in Multiformats, and it supports content addressing for a variety of projects including IPFS, IPLD, libp2p, and Filecoin.

This is the first tutorial to use our new multiple-choice format, and in our announcement post we’ve highlighted some recent UX features that make it easy to identify lesson types and filter our tutorial list down to non-coding options if needed.


Check out the blog post to learn more, or dive right into the tutorial. We look forward to feedback from you and your local community members! (As always, there's a link at the bottom of every lesson that makes it easy to submit your suggestions for improvement.)