ProtoSchool / organizing

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New Chapter Request - New York NY #82

Closed Blockchainbrett closed 4 years ago

Blockchainbrett commented 4 years ago

Hi there

I’m Brett Shear coo and cofounder of @terminaldotco We have built a modern web development tool to deploy sites and apps onto IPFS We have a lot of more exciting things coming on our roadmap.

You can find me personally on twitter at @web3brett and email at Brett at terminal dot co

I’m excited to get this going on NY and happy to build up the ProtoSchool community !

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Hi there, @Blockchainbrett! Thanks so much for volunteering!

We've actually just announced a new community model that makes it so you can get started hosting events without needing to apply for a chapter. Check out the documentation here, and please sign up for our newsletter so we can keep you in the loop with updates for local leaders.

Also, probably goes without saying, but please be mindful of your community's COVID-19 infection rates and consult your local health authority's guidance before scheduling any events. Safety first!

Looking forward to working with you!

Blockchainbrett commented 4 years ago

Ok but Id like to start the chapter anyway. I think having a chapter is a great way to incentivize a long term presence versus getting one-off events. My goals are to:

And of course, if needed, they can all even be online! Let me know if setting up a chapter is still possible. thanks.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

I totally agree that a longstanding group is a great idea, it just wouldn't be called a ProtoSchool chapter. Per the new guidelines, you're welcome to start an IPFS Meetup, for example, and teach a variety of content over time. Most of our longstanding groups prefer to also mix in other content beyond ProtoSchool tutorials -- talks on IPFS, etc. -- and that model works great. Only the events where you're teaching the tutorial content from our website may be referred to as ProtoSchool workshops. You can find more on the variety of hosting models that are possible on our "host" page or check out the community model transition guidance for previous chapter leaders for bit more explanation of the recent change .

You could start a meetup that focuses on dweb more broadly if you prefer, but if you plan to focus specifically on IPFS, you could consider setting up an IPFS Meetup through the pro account. I don't see an NYC chapter yet. That's managed by the IPFS team as opposed to ProtoSchool, so please click the Get In Touch link there if you'd like to inquire about that option. You can also find discussion in the ipfs/community repo about IPFS meetups.

Regarding online events, we're working on some updates to make it easier to list them on our website. The only events that can be shared on the ProtoSchool site are those focused on our tutorial content, but if you'd like to try running one of those virtually, just let me know. We'll be updating our event submission form soon to better support virtual events, but I may be able to make a manual fix to your submission in the meantime if you have a virtual ProtoSchool workshop to list.

Hope this helps to clarify things a bit, but let me know if you'd rather schedule a call to discuss.

Blockchainbrett commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the additional information. that was very helpful. Yes, a few things that I'd like to follow up on:

Happy to hop on a call as well. I'll send you a quick email to try to find a time.
