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Discussion: Should we migrate to vuepress? #141

Open mikeal opened 5 years ago

mikeal commented 5 years ago

Recently I've been using vuepress for a few smaller project and I'm starting to think it might be a better fit for ProtoSchool than using Vuejs directly.

Some background: Vuepress is a static site generator built on Vue.js. Instead of a single page app, all the pages are statically generated. Pages are defined in Markdown and can import Vue components (which is the reverse of what we do now, we import markdown into Vue.js components).

For search indexing and possibly performance vuepress would be a clear win. We also would get a lot more flexibility during lesson creation. For instance, we'd easily be able to define new components and interactive widgets that we could then embed at any point in the tutorial text.

It wouldn't be a small task to do this migration, but I think it's better to have this conversation now than later when we have far more lessons to migrate.

nuke-web3 commented 5 years ago

I have not used vuepress, but hear good things. I have used for it's static features and great documentation. I also really like the idea of a static site, as I would hope that one thing we really consider is being hosted on IPFS. #139 could then also then reference our own site as an example of this killer app for IPFS content distribution :grin: