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New Tutorial: Web Hosting on IPFS (IPNS, DNS Link, etc.) #428

Open terichadbourne opened 4 years ago

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

How to host websites on IPFS (and what type can be hosted this way - static v dynamic, SPA, etc.) continues to be a common question among our users. Gathering up a few disparate threads on this topic so we can explore how to best cover it in ProtoSchool.

The awesome @NukeManDan previously proposed (#139) a hands-on tutorial that would walk through the full process of hosting a static website on IPFS, but the original suggestion was for a format not supported by ProtoSchool (doing things outside the browser where we can't provide feedback). I believe our new multiple-choice format could now offer a way for us to teach the underlying concepts around IPNS and IPFS web hosting. (Here's an example of a multiple-choice tutorial.)

Recently @daviddias resurfaced this issue, flagging that even for experienced networking folks, IPNS (InterPlanetary Naming System) is still a puzzle box and could be a tutorial subject. @autonome seconded that and suggested that covering the Dweb's World of Naming would be really useful. (See

In my own experience with Vue and VuePress, I keep bumping into issues around SPAs that use hash-based routing and how that creates challenges with IPFS hosting. I don't know a lot about DNS Link but it also comes up whenever I engage in these conversations around IPNS and hosting.

The team at Fleek (a Netlify-ish hosting service built on IPFS, formerly known as Terminal) has a lot of experience answering community questions on web hosting on IPFS, and @Blockchainbrett has suggested that they may have time to build a vendor-agnostic ProtoSchool tutorial on this topic. (We'd include a passing mention of how hosting services like Fleek are an option, but nothing salesy.)

Some questions for us to address before creating a content outline:

Look forward to your thoughts!

lidel commented 4 years ago

(quick brain dump to kick this off)

Existing docs:

Popular topics / questions:

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

@Blockchainbrett I know your team has a ton going on. Are you still game to draft this content? Any sense of timeline given your other commitments?

Johnny just mentioned that there's an upcoming section in that we can pull some tidbits from. See it in the branch here:

nuke-web3 commented 3 years ago

So excited to see this get added to !

What topics/concepts should be included in this multiple-choice tutorial?

  • Persisting IPFS content - Locally / Via a provider / Via Filecoin
  • IPNS for dynamic content (could be a whole set of lessons on this, I would expect)
  • After the above, introduction to concepts
  • DNSlink - what is its, and how to use it with IPFS and IPNS
  • IPFS is static only sites - How do I operate a full-stack website on IPFS? (JAM stack / API calls to services.)

    What questions are you most frequently asked (or do you have yourself) about hosting websites on IPFS?

  • How do I know if other IPFS nodes are also hosting my content?
  • How do I ask others to pin my content?
  • How can I host IPFS content locally that everyone can access quickly and reliably (This may be another whole can of worms, but a very important issue!)
  • How do I let others find my content if my machine is behind a restrictive network & firewall?
  • How about on the cloud? ( , ,, ect.)
  • What about Filecoin?
  • What about a that I run for myself or with others?

    What common misconceptions should we address, either in the text of lessons or in the wrong answers to our multiple-choice questions?

  • IPFS vs IPNS on DNSlink
  • IPFS for sites that need a backend (APIs to services in your static page site build) - IPFS is for data not for computation... it is just a file system :wink:
  • The content you publish on IPFS must be hosted by nodes that are online and sharing it for that content to be found.
  • IPFS from a personal machine behind a firewall may not be able to share with peers outside your network! Even if it can, discovery is very likely slow. (Some content on why this is the case would be good πŸ™πŸΌ )

That is a lot πŸ˜… Hope it helps a bit πŸ™πŸΌ