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Tutorials using interactive visualizations #460

Open JithinKS97 opened 4 years ago

JithinKS97 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I came here because Juan Benet's talk on IPFS and the permanent web really inspired me and the idea of protoschool and its mission to spread knowledge on decentralized web concepts is really cool. I'm really interested in contributing to protoschool.

I'm creating this issue to pitch in an idea of making use of interactive visualizations to better present the concepts taught. I would like to know if such kind of interactive visualizations will help. To give an example.

This is a lesson which illustrates the working of Paxos consensus algorithm.

The idea is to create visualizations that will provide a bird's eye view of working of various protocols and algorithms not just by passively seeing a video or reading a tutorial, but by actively experimenting with the visualization. My goal is to learn these ideas myself, but at the same time, create interactive visualization resources that will help others as well.

terichadbourne commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, @JithinKS97! I'd love to better understand some examples of the IPFS or dweb concepts that you'd envision teaching in this way. Are you thinking of a whole new tutorial or the addition of interactive visualizations to existing tutorials?