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Include IPFS Companion and Google Translate views in main Countly dashboard #575

Open terichadbourne opened 3 years ago

terichadbourne commented 3 years ago

Right now, the main Countly dashboard only captures visits from the domain, and other domains get logged in the test dashboard. The original intention of this was to ensure that developers using localhost, Fleek or Netlify previews, etc., could play around without affecting the real data. However, we're now finding activity in the test dashboard that doesn't appear to be from devs, suggesting that we should add at least two more domains to the main dashboard:

It would also be useful to start logging domains through which people are visiting so that we can track IPFS Companion and Google Translate usage moving forward.

terichadbourne commented 3 years ago

@lidel As our resident IPFS Companion and localization expert, you might be able to help us confirm...

lidel commented 3 years ago

Regarding the domain of IPFS Companion users, those usually run local gateway on a port that can be changed. I would look for these patterns:

As for translation websites, most likely all of them do this, but targeting the biggest players should cover the most of uses: