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New Tutorial: DWeb for Parents/Kids #666

Open grandmastergainz opened 3 years ago

grandmastergainz commented 3 years ago

Have an idea for a new tutorial? We'd love to discuss it. Please share some info to get the discussion started.

What networking protocol would this tutorial address? List specific projects such as IPFS, IPLD, libp2p, Multiformats, etc.

What will the user know how to do after completing this tutorial? Be specific, eg "Upload files using the JS IPFS file API"

Describe the content of the tutorial. Describe the tutorial in more detail. Do you have ideas for the APIs or methods to be taught, format to be used, or real-world examples to be included?

What potential challenges do you forsee in building this tutorial? For example, does the format you have in mind not fit the current capabilities of the site?

Additional context (optional) Would this ProtoSchool tutorial fit into a broader initiative to reach a certain user or use case? Did you get the idea because of a gap you saw while exploring a current tutorial?

Would you like to build this tutorial yourself? Do you have the time and skills to build this tutorial yourself, after some group brainstorming, or do you hope that someone else might have the bandwidth to do so?

grandmastergainz commented 3 years ago

My apologies if this is not the way to go about this, however, Im eager to share with the world (mainly parents) what the decentralized web is, what a VPN is, the good, bad and ugly. I believe in educating parents(kids) on things, instead of trying to limit their access to something which shouldn't and cannot be limited by anyone. I think maybe showing kids ways, aside from making videos or video chatting with strangers, can be profitable AND safe and fun if navigated responsibly. Again, sorry if this is the wrong place, could you message me if so? lol whoever reads this?

grandmastergainz commented 3 years ago

showing kids ways to interact/build careers/make friends*

terichadbourne commented 3 years ago

@grandmastergainz Thanks for the suggestion! I'd like to better understand your proposal so that our team can determine whether the content is the right fit for ProtoSchool. ProtoSchool is meant to teach folks about the decentralized web or about specific dweb protocols or tools. We don't have a specific target of parenting or resources for kids. Can you envision a way to reframe your proposal to apply to a wider audience?

For example, do you consider the decentralized web to be safer than the centralized web? If so, why? Do you have to employ different techniques to stay safe on the decentralized web than on the centralized web? Would love to hear more about your thought process here.