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Lesson Feedback%3A Merkle DAGs - Lesson 7 (Merkle DAGs: Deduplication) #774

Open meermanr opened 2 years ago

meermanr commented 2 years ago

Have a question or suggestion regarding a specific ProtoSchool lesson? Please use this template to share it!

URL of the lesson that's confusing:

What's confusing about this lesson? The correct answer to the quiz is "A and C", but the answers are not enumerated using letters A, B, C, D, E (etc.

What additional context could we provide to help you succeed? Prefix answers with "A", "B", "C", etc

What other feedback would you like to share about ProtoSchool? It's fascinating, but I am curious why someone has put so much effort into documenting it like this. I'm almost suspicious its a commercial product with a paid certification programme at the end!