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Lesson Feedback%3A Merkle DAGs - Lesson 4 (Introducing Merkle DAGs) #849

Open iiheng opened 1 year ago

iiheng commented 1 year ago

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URL of the lesson that's confusing: In general, any change to a node in a Merkle DAG is propagated to each of the changed node’s ancestors What's confusing about this lesson? If I add one file to a node ,so the node's CID will changed. So If I add n files to a node ,the node will create n+n!/2 CIDs,all of them can be if I add 1000 file to a node,will run out of CIDs? What additional context could we provide to help you succeed?

QmZV5yU5aDXhdXYsmmCBYbCtNsJpHE5bvnVgpY1p1RuBB3 QmWgeVjaWrpzmuQ295Ae2Qapj7sNvKpPfMJ3SW1Y9wVEfB

those two CIDs are point to a same node

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