Protocentral / ProtoCentral_ads1262
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ADS1262 - Unable to acquire data #14

Open NikGreek opened 2 years ago

NikGreek commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to connect the ads1262 with an arduino uno so I can measure voltage with higher precision. I'm using the same connections you suggest and the same code. However in serial monitor, I only get the "successful initialization" message and then nothing or I get only zero values of voltage. I apply the analog signal from a NI ELVIS III breadboard. Is this something you can help me with ? Thank you in advance!

LAWBear commented 2 years ago

I remain hopeful for suggestions/guidance on ADS1262 data values from ProtoCentral ADS1262 "1-Simple_Differential.ino". Have upgraded MCU from Feather M0 to Feather M4 Express, and commented sketch "#include since previous comment.

Data "readout voltage/mv" remains 0.00 & 0.00 resp.

I embed logic analyzer image but cannot include *.rar archive of Saleae logic files for analysis. Data only displays intermittently or at interval(s) of ~732ms??


Analyzer traces self labeled and arranged for clarity of response and issue.

PLEASE advise steps for further testing or diagnositcs.

LAWBear commented 2 years ago

I MAY be getting close to successful configuration of the ADS1262 and the Feather M4 Express as an SD card data acquisition system. This configuration also provides GPS header statements in each file, and fairly large SD cards (32Gb & 64Gb) using Fat32 or ExFat with 32k clusters and 128k clusters resp. I am storing raw binary at up to 38.4 ksps to the SD card with some reasonable success, but still struggling a bit to get the ADS1262 to "start" and/or "sync" with the sample clocks. To the interests of wizards I include my crude sketch. Further, to some other inquiries, I have also successfully "tested" the ProtoCentral on Arduino Uno R3. and the "example" sketch. (currently using pushbutton(s) to start file for selected DURATION)

Comments/Guidance appreciated:

``/Compiled for Feather M4 Express (SAMD51) Sample rate and ADS1262 tuning done in modified ads1262.cpp Using data buffer sized for 32Gb Sandisk Extreme SD card Sketch includes some place-holders for AirLift ESP32 Coprocessor (future work)/










int count1=0; SdFat SD; File myFile; char filename[15];

// name of the GPS hardware serial port?

define GPSSerial Serial1

// Connect to the GPS on the hardware port Adafruit_GPS GPS(&GPSSerial);

String NMEA1; String NMEA2; char c;

//AirLIft WiFi const int WIFININA_SLAVESELECT = 13; const int WIFININA_SLAVERESET = 12; const int WIFININA_SLAVEREADY = 11;

const int ledStart = A1; const int ledStop = A2; const int btnStart = A3; const int btnStop = A4; unsigned long startRecTime = 0; const int sd_cs_pin = 10; //Feather M4 SD card chip-select pin //const int GPO = ?? //not available until pushbuttons & LED's released for external controls

//Pins used for the connection with the sensor, the others are controlled by the SPI library): (Feather M4 pins assigned in ads1262.h) //const int ADS1262_DRDY_PIN = 6; //const int ADS1262_CS_PIN = 9; //const int ADS1262_START_PIN = 5; //const int ADS1262_PWDN_PIN = A0;

int recPressed = 0; int stopPressed = 0; int flag = 0;

ads1262 PC_ADS1262; //ADS class

//ADS1262 global

define PGA 1 // Programmable Gain = 1

define VREF 2.50 // Internal reference of 2.048Vc


define FSR (((long int)1<<23)-1)

define START1 0x08

define STOP1 0x0A

define RDATA1 0x12

//float volt_V=0; //float volt_mV=0; volatile int i; volatile char SPI_RX_Buff[10]; volatile long ads1262_rx_Data[10]; volatile static int SPI_RX_Buff_Count = 0; volatile char *SPI_RX_Buff_Ptr; volatile int Responsebyte = false;

unsigned char buffer1[32000]; int newData = 0; // new data from adc? int index1=0;

void setup() { // 9600 baud is the default rate for the Ultimate GPS/Featherwing GPSSerial.begin(9600);

GPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCGGA); // Default is 1 Hz update rate GPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ); delay(1000); //Pause


pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // DON'T change this(10) - Hardware sd_cs_pin pin must be left as output for SD library functions to work correctly pinMode(ledStart, OUTPUT); //A1 pushbutton,to be replaced with BLE replies later pinMode(ledStop, OUTPUT); //A2 pushbutton,to be replaced with BLE replies later pinMode(btnStart, INPUT_PULLUP); //A3 Blue LED,to be replaced with BLE commands later pinMode(btnStop, INPUT_PULLUP); //A4 Green LED,to be replaced with BLE commands later pinMode(sd_cs_pin, OUTPUT); //10 SD enable (Feather M4 Express) // pinMode(GPO,OUTPUT); //?? Used in BLE mode, not available until pushbuttons & LED's released for external controls

// initalize the data ready and chip select pins: pinMode(ADS1262_DRDY_PIN, INPUT); //data ready input line (Feather M4- pin 6) pinMode(ADS1262_CS_PIN, OUTPUT); //chip enable output line (Feather M4- pin 9) pinMode(ADS1262_START_PIN, OUTPUT); // start (Feather M4- pin 5) pinMode(ADS1262_PWDN_PIN, OUTPUT); // Power down output (Feather M4- pin A0)


Serial.begin(115200); // Max Baud Rate SD.begin(); //Start SD card library // SPI.begin(); // start SPI library SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));

digitalWrite(ADS1262_PWDN_PIN,HIGH); digitalWrite(ADS1262_PWDN_PIN,LOW); digitalWrite(ADS1262_PWDN_PIN,HIGH); // hold high for operating delay(10);

digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

if (SD.begin(sd_cs_pin,SPI_SPEED)) {        //testing changes to SPI speed

for (int dloop = 0; dloop < 4; dloop++) {
digitalWrite(ledStart,!digitalRead(ledStart)); delay(100); } } else { // if error, flash LED twice per second, until reset while(1) { digitalWrite(ledStart,!digitalRead(ledStart)); delay(500); } } strcpy(filename, "ANALOG00.BIN"); // Template for file name, characters 6 & 7 get set automatically later | LS_DATE | LS_SIZE); // list the files

PC_ADS1262.ads1262_Init(); //initialize ads126

// PC_ADS1262.ads1262_SPI_Command_Data(START1); // delay(10);


void loop() { if (digitalRead(btnStart) == LOW && recPressed == 0) { StartRec(); // launch StartRec method startRecTime = millis(); } if (digitalRead(btnStop) == LOW) { StopRec(); // launch StopRec method }

if(recPressed){ if( (millis() - startRecTime) > 1000) { count1++; if(count1 >= DURATION) { StopRec(); count1 =0; } startRecTime = millis(); } }

if((digitalRead(ADS1262_DRDY_PIN)) == LOW)               // monitor Data ready(DRDY pin)
SPI_RX_Buff_Ptr = PC_ADS1262.ads1262_Read_Data();  //6Bytes <STATUS|DATA1|DATA2|DATA3|DATA4|CHECKSUM>
Responsebyte = true;
if(Responsebyte == true)
  for(i = 0; i <5; i++) //Remove STATUS byte?
  SPI_RX_Buff[SPI_RX_Buff_Count++] = *(SPI_RX_Buff_Ptr + i);              
Responsebyte = false;

if(SPI_RX_Buff_Count >= 5) {
ads1262_rx_Data[0]= (unsigned char)SPI_RX_Buff[1]; // read 4 bytes adc count ads1262_rx_Data[1]= (unsigned char)SPI_RX_Buff[2]; ads1262_rx_Data[2]= (unsigned char)SPI_RX_Buff[3]; ads1262_rx_Data[3]= (unsigned char)SPI_RX_Buff[4];

for(int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)
  buffer1[index1++] = ads1262_rx_Data[i];

SPI_RX_Buff_Count = 0;
if(index1 >= 32000)
  newData =1;
  index1 = 0;


if(recPressed && (newData == 1) )

myFile =, O_RDWR | O_APPEND);  //re-open file to append buffer data in "loop"

index1 = 0;
newData = 0;


void StartRec() // start recording method { digitalWrite(ledStart,HIGH); digitalWrite(ledStop,LOW);

recPressed = 1;
stopPressed = 0;

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
filename[6] = '0' + i/10;
filename[7] = '0' + i%10;
//create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write
if (! SD.exists(filename)) {

readGPS(); //This is a function below which reads two NMEA sentences from GPS to create record "header"

myFile =, FILE_WRITE);

// Serial.println(NMEA1); //Uncomment these lines to display GPGGA on serial monitor, !!! Start loop will not execute if serial monitor is not displayed // delay(10);
// Serial.println(NMEA2); //Uncomment these lines to display GPRMC on serial monitor, !!! Start loop will not execute if serial monitor is not displayed // delay(10);

myFile.println(NMEA1); //try to write NMEA1 GGA as file header
myFile =, O_RDWR | O_APPEND);  //re-open file to append NMEA2
myFile.println(NMEA2); //try to write NMEA2 RMC as file header



void StopRec() { // stop recording method


recPressed = 0;


void readGPS(){ //This function will read and remember two NMEA sentences from GPS clearGPS(); //Serial port probably has old or corrupt data, so begin by clearing it all out while(!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) { //Keep reading characters in this loop until a good NMEA sentence is received; //read a character from the GPS } GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA()); //Once good NMEA, parse it NMEA1=GPS.lastNMEA(); //Once parsed, save NMEA sentence into NMEA1

while(!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) { //Go out and get the second NMEA sentence, should be different type than the first one read above.; } GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA()); NMEA2=GPS.lastNMEA(); }

void clearGPS() { //Since between GPS reads, we still have data streaming in, we need to clear the old data by reading a few sentences, and discarding these while(!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {; } GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA()); while(!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {; } GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA()); } '' .