Also, you need to check the translation correlation in the other languages for the word DANGER with ID 482 to be translated the same in the string ID 656 [Enter the word 'DANGER' here.], because in some languages is not the same, and I am not sure, but if this is requested for a user to enter and then is checked as an other word the operation might not work.
For example>
In spanish DANGER = PELIGRO, but then is translated as Peligro (I don't know if checking is case sensitive, but I think it is)
In Polish (po.po) DANGER = NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER
In Ukrainian (ua.po) DANGER =ЗАГРОЗА, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER
In German (ge.po) DANGER = GEFAHR, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER
Also, you need to check the translation correlation in the other languages for the word DANGER with ID 482 to be translated the same in the string ID 656 [Enter the word 'DANGER' here.], because in some languages is not the same, and I am not sure, but if this is requested for a user to enter and then is checked as an other word the operation might not work. For example> In spanish DANGER = PELIGRO, but then is translated as Peligro (I don't know if checking is case sensitive, but I think it is) In Polish (po.po) DANGER = NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER In Ukrainian (ua.po) DANGER =ЗАГРОЗА, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER In German (ge.po) DANGER = GEFAHR, but then is requested to user to enter as DANGER