ProtonMail / proton-bridge

Proton Mail Bridge application
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.11k stars 145 forks source link

version 3.8.2 rpm file | certificate issue #460

Closed alexknop closed 5 months ago

alexknop commented 5 months ago

Issue tracker is ONLY used for reporting bugs with technical details. "It doesn't work" or new features should be discussed with our customer support. Please use bug report function in Bridge or contact

$sudo dnf install -y Downloads/protonmail-bridge-3.8.2-1.x86_64.rpm 
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate D51E64D3E63EDC3EEF7864CEE2C75D68E6234B07 (Proton Technologies AG (ProtonMail Bridge developers) <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate E2C75D68E6234B07 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2024-02-02T13:40:50Z
RPM:   2. Key E2C75D68E6234B07 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2024-02-02T13:40:50Z
Error: Transaction test error:
  package protonmail-bridge-3.8.2-1.x86_64 does not verify: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID e6234b07: NOTTRUSTED

Expected Behavior

Install should succeed

Current Behavior

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce

Install rpm file on a RedHat distro

Version Information


Context (Environment)

Fedora 39

Detailed Description

Possible Implementation

egitt commented 5 months ago

I got the same issue on my system, too. Also Fedora 39, certificate is expired!

SnailVendor commented 5 months ago

Same issue for me, on Nobara 39 (fork of Fedora 39)

LBeernaertProton commented 5 months ago

We apologize for the inconvenience, we had to update our installer keys. You will need to remove the old key from your system before you install the rpm.

Run this snippet to list the available keys:

rpm -q gpg-pubkey --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{SUMMARY}\n'

Which should produce something such as:

gpg-pubkey-18b8e74c-62f2920f    Fedora (39) <> public key
gpg-pubkey-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx Proton Technologies AG (ProtonMail Bridge developers) <> public key

Now run the following command to remove the key:

sudo rpm -e gpg-pubkey-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx 

Confirm the key has been removed by running the list command again and you should now be able to install the RPM file.

alexknop commented 5 months ago

Yes, that worked. Thank you