ProtonMail / proton-mail-settings

React web application to manage ProtonMail settings
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Missing parts #34

Closed EpokK closed 5 years ago

EpokK commented 5 years ago

Front-end Settings pages in v4

About this document

This is a general assesment about how the v4 front-end is looking at the moment. Find here comments on how far the different v4 front-end settings pages are developed, whether they are missing some code or elements present in v3.

I'm using the protonmail-settings environment with both free and Visionary accounts to test the v4, and for general reference of its design.



General comments


Overview (/settings)

This page partially expanded the previous overview corner in the v3 Dashboard. Design here.

There are several issues in this page:

Subscription (/settings/subscription)

This page used to be under the Dashboard in v3. It is partially worked out, missing the items:

The "Payment methods" and "Invoices" sections are there, but with some broken functionality.

Account (/settings/account)

This page contains roughly half of what was in 'Accounts' in v3. It is partially worked out, missing the items:

The "Username", "Recovery & notification" and "Email subscriptions" are there. I see the following issues:

Organization (/settings/organization)

This page was previously inside the "Addresses/Users" page. The Zeplin design is a bit unclear regarding what sections should be in here, but it seems they're "Name", "Password & key", "Logs" and "Related settings". Only the first is partially done. So tasks to do:

Users (/settings/members)

This page was previously inside the "Addresses/Users" page. Comparing to the Zeplin design I see the following differences (or things to do):

Custom domains (/settings/domains)

This page contains the "Domains" section of the "Domains" page in v3. It is partially worked out. I cannot test properly the "Custom domains" section without an account with registered domains. I can see the following issues comparing to the corresponding Zeplin design:

Addresses (/settings/addresses)

Not working. App crashes with an error on the component AddressesSections.

This page should manage what in v3 was split between the "Addresses/Users" and "Domains" pages in their respective "Addresses" sections.

Identity (/settings/identity)

The contents of this page used to be in the "Accounts" and "" page in v3. This page looks complete in v4 with respect to the expected design, but there are some issues:

General (/settings/general)

Several sections that were under the "Account" page in v3 have been moved here in v4. This page has all the ingredients listed in the Zeplin design, but there is some broken functionality and it doesn't look great.

Appearance (/settings/appearance)

This page basically revamps the "Appearance" page of old v3. Zeplin design here, although a new design is available elsewhere for certain things like themes.

Most of the functionality is working here except for one section, and the looks could be improved.

Filters (/settings/filters)

This page should be equivalent to the previous "Filters" page in v3. Zeplin desing here

Folders/Labels (/settings/labels)

Equivalent to previous "Folders / Labels" in v3. This is the corresponding Zeplin design.

This page is fully operative. Just some minor comments.

Auto-reply (/settings/auto-reply)

Equivalent to the previous "Auto-reply" page from v3. The Zeplin design can be found here.

This page is almost fully operative. Comments:

Keys (/settings/keys)

This page is in correspondance with the previous "Keys" page in v3. Zeplin desing here

Security (/settings/security)

This page is mostly in correspondance to what was there in the old v3 "Security" page. Zeplin design here.

This page is almost fully operative. Some differences wit the design and some things not working are the following:

Apps (/settings/apps)

This page extends the old "IMAP/SMTP" page in v3. The Zeplin design can be found here.

This page is almost complete. Just a few minor things:

TODO code

Checking for TODO code in react-components yields places that have been discussed above. There's only one case which does not:

matstaz commented 5 years ago


Support icon different from the Zeplin design

MS: support is no longer in the header but in the drop down. But icon needs to be updated to the one designed by irina (if it exists)

Payment methods section

Description text and learnmore text have not been specified yet nor here nor in the Zeplin design.

MS: description text provided by Ben as a comment on zeplin: "If you wish to pay by credit card, you can add your card below. Learn about other payment options." MS: learn more link points to:

Invoices section

Description text and learnmore text have not been specified yet nor here nor in the Zeplin design.

MS: description text provided by Ben as a comment on zeplin: "You can customize and download your invoices for accounting purposes." MS: No learn more link. Can be removed.

Users (/settings/members)

Text for describing the section is missing both here and in the Zeplin design.

MS: Still missing. I need to get something from Ben.

General (/settings/general)

A "Search" section appears in Zeplin. Not in v4 at present.

MS: Search section is needed at least to display "Do not require exact match" option and to prepare the ground for encrypted search related features

Appearance (/settings/appearance)

"Layouts" section: Description text missing here and in Zeplin.

MS: description text provided by Ben as a comment on zeplin: "Choose the look and feel of your mailbox." MS: No learn more link. Can be removed.

Folders/Labels (/settings/labels)

Learn more is not linking to the right place. MS: this should be the link: It's not indicated what notification does, contrary to v3. MS: can we make the text appear on hover over the toggle? Alternatively, we may need to write something in the text under the header.