ProtonVPN / linux-cli

Official ProtonVPN Linux app (CLI)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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password dialog appears on connection attempt after upgrading to v3.13.0 #105

Closed bilalcaliskan closed 12 months ago

bilalcaliskan commented 1 year ago

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Firstly i should mention that; I have opened that issue in here instead of Proton portal since i have tested this on my several computers and the result is the same with the latest version, i'm guessing that it is something wrong with the latest release v3.13.0.

Here is the story; I have a startup script on my Kali Linux workstation, normally it was creating a connection at computer startup perfectly. But somehow, I think after upgrading to latest version (v3.13.0), CLI now always asks for password when i try to connect.

Funny thing is that if i run below login command, it says that i was already logged in:

anonimkunduz@kali ~> protonvpn-cli login

You are already logged in.

Is it a security feature with the latest release, or is there something wrong with that very basic functionality?

Also if i reject providing password on the password dialog, below error is thrown:

anonimkunduz@kali ~ [1]> protonvpn-cli connect --cc UK --protocol udp
Setting up Proton VPN.
Connecting to Proton VPN on UK#121 with UDP.

Unable to connect to Proton VPN: Proton VPN connection failed due to unknown reason.

If this is a feature, then i should sadly say that it is a very disappointing feature and it will make people use other alternatives including me, who is a true Proton fan.

Proton-459 commented 1 year ago

I came here to report the same. It started happening a week or two ago (roughly) - gave it a while to see if it passed. I'm on protonvpn-cli v3.13.0 as well (with protonvpn-nm-lib v3.14.0 and proton-client v0.7.1).

I usually connect with protonvpn-cli c --cc UK, and mostly it fails and displays the password box. For me, entering the password does not result in a successful connection - it just reopens the password prompt again.

I discovered I can connect to certain servers OK (by selecting manually rather than using --cc UK), but most display the password box. Currently, connecting with protonvpn-cli c 'UK#141' has been OK for the last few days - but last week I was using eg 'UK#105' and it was OK at first then eventually stopped working after a couple of days and began displaying the password box.

Likewise if I use the GUI and click connect, same thing happens - but if I scroll through the list and manually click one that works, it connects.

When failed connection, protonvpn-cli.log shows this:

2023-07-06 04:35:45,858 — — INFO — _connect:489 — Dbus response: {<ConnectionStartStatusEnum.STATE: 'state'>: <VPNConnectionStateEnum.FAILED: 6>, <ConnectionStartStatusEnum.MESSAGE: 'message'>: 'Proton VPN connection failed due to unknown reason.', <ConnectionStartStatusEnum.REASON: 'reason'>: <VPNConnectionReasonEnum.UNKNOWN_ERROR: 999>} 2023-07-06 04:35:48,854 — — INFO — __init__:17 —

When successful connection, it shows this:

2023-07-06 04:35:51,276 — — INFO — _connect:489 — Dbus response: {<ConnectionStartStatusEnum.STATE: 'state'>: <VPNConnectionStateEnum.IS_ACTIVE: 5>, <ConnectionStartStatusEnum.MESSAGE: 'message'>: 'Successfully connected to Proton VPN.', <ConnectionStartStatusEnum.REASON: 'reason'>: <VPNConnectionReasonEnum.NOT_PROVIDED: 1>}

Unsure if it's relevant, but the actual time of the above log entries was 05:35, not 04:35.

The above is on Manjaro KDE. I have a Fedora Gnome machine which I use much less often but I think it has begun doing the same thing the last couple of days.

bilalcaliskan commented 1 year ago

I usually connect with protonvpn-cli c --cc UK, and mostly it fails and displays the password box. For me, entering the password does not result in a successful connection - it just reopens the password prompt again.

@Proton-459 I forgot to mention about that, same problem also exists for me.

theo-dep commented 1 year ago

Hi, With a full uninstallation (protonvpn, protonvpn-cli and protonvpn-gui), plus this both commands as recommended in the uninstall section:

sudo apt autoremove protonvpn protonvpn-cli protonvpn-gui
rm -rf ~/.cache/protonvpn
rm -rf ~/.config/protonvpn

Then, I reinstalled only protonvpn-cli, I logout and I login, the popup does not appear anymore.

bilalcaliskan commented 1 year ago

@theo-dep sadly your solution does not work for me, still asking for password and not accepting the correct password on dialog.

fraser018 commented 1 year ago

Hey Also getting the same issue on a Manjaro laptop running Gnome, guessing some recent update borked something Thanks @Proton-459 for the CLI tip, that got my vpn connecting but still no use with the application.

Have tried nuking my machine of everything proton related and re-installing but that didn't seem to fix anything. I had also tried the openvpn route by adding a vpn connection using one of the files from proton and my openvpn creds, got exactly the same password box when it tried to connect and won't accept the password.

I read somewhere someone mention gnome-keyring as a possible issue but I cannot remember where I read that and I've no other issues with any logins or passwords on this machine.

Update: Using terminal with protonvpn-cli c 'UK#141' I can connect but using protonvpn-cli c 'NZ#21' gives me the same password warning. Tried a few different servers and all give me the password popup except for UK#141

fraser018 commented 1 year ago

Just got an email from proton support saying they are aware of the issue:


Thank you for contacting us.

Regarding this specific issue, our team has identified the problem, and we’re working hard on a solution.

The issue seems to be with one of the latest updates in the Network Manager-openvpn plugin.

Please continue to try different servers/countries in order to find a server that works for you.

Proton-459 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update.

Curious how it doesn't affect all servers, but good to know they're aware of it.

bilalcaliskan commented 1 year ago

i also thank you for the update. i can confirm that this situation occurs on specific servers which is very odd.

Proton-459 commented 12 months ago

For the last couple of days the auto-connect has worked OK - I've not needed to manually select a server. Not going to say it's definitely fixed - but before the weekend it was basically impossible to connect without manual selection of a known-good server.

Anyone else noticed any change?

bilalcaliskan commented 12 months ago

my full server list is working now, which contains 6 server selection.

@fraser018 if you also didn't encounter any issue, lets close the issue.

fraser018 commented 12 months ago

@bilalcaliskan happy to close issue now. I can't test just yet as broke my Linux install but looks like they've got the issue under control

theo-dep commented 11 months ago

The password message box is returned T_T.

Proton-459 commented 11 months ago

It had continued for me too but I think it may now be fixed with the update to protonvpn-nm-lib released yesterday.