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Systemctl autostart protonvpn-cli without call to login #26

Closed CodeGorila closed 2 months ago

CodeGorila commented 5 months ago

Hi @natanjunges, don't you have to call protonvpn-cli login first? Also, how do you specify the password as it isn't an argument to the command?

Hey @toxpal So to answer to some of your questions:

  1. It is planned, but until then you could use something that linux already offers out-of-the box, a .service configuration within --user space. Also not sure by what you mean about the killswitch, could you please provide more details ?

How exactly would one go about doing this? I currently have Protonvpn configured to start on boot using Manjaro's Autostart feature, however the VPN will not automatically turn on, and must be activated manually. Is there a way to auto-activate the connection in addition to simply auto-opening the application? If not, is this feature in the works?

I created a systemd service in user space, as @calexandru2018 mentioned. It works quite well, it waits for (it needs NetworkManager to be fully initialized), connects automatically, opens the GUI and disconnects automatically on logout. It also restarts itself in case it fails to start.

Description=ProtonVPN autostart

# Waits until it is online. It is required because system targets cannot be used in user services.
ExecStartPre=sh -c "until systemctl is-active; do sleep 1; done"
ExecStart=protonvpn-cli c -f
ExecStartPost=-sh -c "protonvpn &"
ExecStop=protonvpn-cli d


To use it, just save it in ~/.config/systemd/user/protonvpn-autostart.service, reload the systemd daemon with systemctl --user daemon-reload and enable it with systemctl --user enable protonvpn-autostart.

I could not get it working reliably with Kill Switch enabled at first, but the solution from seems to have worked. Just insert these two lines after RemainAfterExit=yes:

ExecStartPre=-protonvpn-cli ks --off
ExecStartPre=-protonvpn-cli ks --on

Then reload the systemd daemon with systemctl --user daemon-reload.

Originally posted by @natanjunges in

CodeGorila commented 5 months ago

I am interested in your answer. However, in the interim, for others, I had to create a shell script with expect/send:

/usr/bin/expect <<EOD

spawn protonvpn-cli login YourUserNameHere
expect "Enter your Proton VPN password*"
send "YourPasswordHere\r"
expect eof

spawn protonvpn-cli c -f
expect eof

calexandru2018 commented 2 months ago

Closing this ticket as it's not relevant for this project.